’s grinning up at Dom, jostling him a little. Dom himself looks like he’s blushing, something so rare, I’ve only seen it a handful of times.

“He has already taken most of your stuff to his house,” Otter says thoughtfully.

“He’s what?” the Kid squeaks.

“And come to think of it, wasn’t Ty’s stuff supposed to be delivered yesterday from New Hampshire?”

How the hell had we forgotten about that? Yeah, we’d been distracted, but—

Creed makes everyone take a step back so he can open the sliding door, leaving only the screen to separate us. “Yeah,” he says. “About that. Dom might have accidentally changed the address so it goes to his house.”

“Accidentally,” the Kid says, sounding like he’s about to be apoplectic.

“Oh, I am so glad I got here just in time to see this,” Stacey says gleefully. “Pregnancy, new children, and my ex-husband sneak-moving his boyfriend into his house. Hell, I may divorce my current husband just so I can marry into this family.”

“Most of the men here are gay,” Creed says. “It’s why I always drink bottled water, so I don’t catch it too. Who knows what else they put in the tap water? Fluoride? Check. Gayness? Double-check. You won’t catch me that way, government!”

“You can have my husband,” Anna tells Stacey.

Ian and Jerry sputter a little.

“You want me to move in with you?” Ty demands through the screen.

Dom shrugs awkwardly, suddenly finding the ceiling a very interesting thing to stare at.

“That means yes in big-guy language,” Stacey says. “He thinks he’s been subtle about it, but then Bear caught him trying to carry your desk down the stairs by himself a couple of months ago.”

“He didn’t have to threaten me with a knife,” Dom mutters.

“I thought you were a burglar,” I snap at him. “I mean, who does that.”

“I think it’s romantic,” Alice says with a sigh.

“Just like out of the movies,” Stephanie agrees.

“This is fun,” Megan says. “I’m having a lot of fun.”

“You’re leaving?” Izzie says from the counter, her hands on her hips. She looks more angry than upset.

“It’s just right down the road,” Dom tells her, glancing over his shoulder. “And you can come over any time you want. I have a spare room, and you can spend the night sometimes.”

She rolls her eyes. “Yeah, because I want to hear the two of you having sex. I’m already messed up enough. At least if I stay here, there will be babies soon and Otter and Bear will be too tired to fornicate.”

“She’s going to fit right in,” Creed says, sounding awed.

“Dad,” JJ says. “What’s fornicating?”

“When two people love each other very much—”

“I’m bored with this,” JJ says. “Can I go outside now and pop the balloons? Tyson isn’t using them. He told me he doesn’t even like balloons.”

“Man,” Creed says to Anna. “His first time is going to be really awkward.”

“You’re pressing your five-month-old child’s forehead into the screen door,” Anna tells him.

“Oops,” he says, taking a step back. “It’s a good thing babies’ heads are notoriously hard and fully developed and not soft at all. Because I would feel really bad, otherwise. Oh look, he’s got little lines on his face now! He looks like a waffle.”

“I want waffles,” JJ demands.