“Like the time you and I got high in eighth grade while stuffing our faces with pizza rolls and woke up spooning each other wearing nothing but X-Men boxers?”

“Yes, Creed. Exactly like that.”

“Wow,” Anna said. “Looks like someone already beat me to getting the complete set.”

“I did not have sex with Bear,” Creed said. “I would have remembered that. Because I would have been an amazing lover.”

“You stay away from him,” Otter said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling my chair over until I was pressed up against him. “You can’t get high and spoon with Bear ever again.”

“It was one time—” I tried.

“Actually, it was four times,” Creed said, waggling his eyebrows at me. “And I think the last time, my nipples got hard.”

“Have some more garlic bread,” Anna said. “So you don’t talk any more.”

Creed nodded and looked exactly like JJ did when he shoved his face full of food.

“I’m not going to get high and spoon Creed,” I said, trying to shove Otter’s arm off me.

“See that you don’t,” he said, refusing to move. “I don’t want to have to rip his nipples off.”

“We’ll make sure we say nice things,” Anna reassured me. “You don’t have to worry about that.”

“I know. It’s just… weird. I guess I wasn’t expecting it. That and how clinical it is.”

“Clinical?” Creed asked through a mouthful of bread, spraying crumbs on the table.

“There’s a database,” I said. “Of all the surrogates. There’s a photo and stats and family history. It’s almost like a dating site, except instead of swiping and going out to get laid, you’re deciding who you’re going to knock up. Without actually sexing them.”

“He said that to the specialist we’re working with,” Otter said. “She sprayed her tea all over her desk. Some got on my hand. It was an odd day.”

“Oh, Bear,” Anna sighed. “That’s…. I don’t know what that is.”

Creed high-fived me. “My man. You speak the truth.”

“How long does it take to pick someone?” Anna asked. “Have you seen anyone you’ve liked?”

“No,” I said quickly. Too quickly. “Nope. No. Of course not. No. Haven’t even thought about it.”

Both Creed and Anna froze.

“Good job,” Otter said, jostling me a little. “Really.”

“I tried,” I said. “You know I did.”

“That’s the sad part.”

“You did?” Creed asked, sounding thunderstruck. “You found someone? I thought these things took time!”

“They do,” Otter said, frowning at me pointedly. “And we haven’t decided anything yet… but, yes. There might be someone we’re interested in.” He winced. “That sounded weird.”

“When did you start looking?” Anna demanded. “I thought you just went to the center for the first time a week ago!”

“Um, surprise?” I said. “We actually went up to Portland after Ty went to Tucson. And before we say anything more, you have to promise us this stays here. No mentioning this to anyone. As far as the rest of the nutjobs are concerned, we just started, okay? Especially Tyson. I don’t want anything distracting him right now. He’s got more important things to focus on.”

“Because that’s going to end well given our history,” Creed said.

“This isn’t like that,” I said. “This isn’t something bad. I just need him to do what he went back to New Hampshire to do.”