
“I mean, we’ve never done that before nor have considered it. And we certainly have never set the camera up but then just forgot to turn it on.”

Kori gaped at us. “I’m going to go masturbate—meditate. I’m going to go meditate. At the idea of your sex tape.”

“You sit your butt down,” I said. “You’re in trouble too.” I turned and gripped the edges of the kitchen sink, trying to calm myself down.

“Ugh. That’s unfortunate.”

“Hey,” Otter said, coming up behind me and hooking his chin over my shoulder.

“Hey, yourself,” I said back.

“It’s okay.”


“They need to work this out on their own.”

“But he’s—”

“Not as fragile as you sometimes think he is,” Otter said gently. “He’s been through a lot, sure. But he’s always been stronger than people give him credit for. You have to trust him to know what he’s doing.”

“I don’t know if I can do that. Not yet.”

Otter sighed. “I don’t blame you for that. And part of me agrees. But this isn’t about you or me. Whatever happens with Dom and the Kid isn’t something we can have any control over. I know it’s hard, Bear, but sometimes you’ve got to let things go.”

“That’s terrible advice.”

“But it’s right.”

“I disagree with you completely.”

“I can work with that,” he said, nose in my hair, breath against my ear. I felt him grin when I shuddered just a little bit.

“You cheat,” I muttered.

“And I feel real bad about it.”

“So much meditation,” Kori breathed behind us.

Otter smacked a kiss to my check and stepped away. “You need to call Anna about Ben.”

I was starting to get a headache. “Yeah. I should—”

“Who’s Ben?” Kori asked.

“Dominic’s son. He’s at day care.”

And Kori made a sound then that honestly gave me fear for her life. Like she was choking and imploding all at the same time. “His what?”

It hit me then, jus

t what we’d forgotten.

After everything we’d been through, after all that we’d had to focus on, the one thing we should have talked to Tyson about was the one thing that we’d let fall through the cracks.

I turned slowly to look at Otter, who was already staring at me, eyes wide.