
“I’ve learned at my time here in family court,” he said, “that life can be hard on children, that choices are made for them that are not always in their best interests. I have seen the very worst in people, who have inflicted pain and violence against the ones entrusted to them. It hurts to see those cases, because it makes you wonder when it will all end, when there will be a day when you think it will all be okay.

“I think today may be one of those days. Derrick, from everything I’ve heard, and from speaking to Tyson myself, you’ve raised a remarkable young man. And while the focus may have been on Tyson and his well-being throughout this process, you yourself deserve the credit for who he is.

When he makes something of himself, it will be because of you, and that is one thing that I hope you never forget.”

He looked at Tyson, who had a slow grin starting to spread across his face. “And you, Tyson. I’ve heard what you’ve been through. Your mother made an egregious decision, one that has affected you greatly. But do not allow that to define you. You are so much more than that. I also understand you’ve suffered a recent loss of a dear friend. Just know that I’m sure she would have been proud of you, just as much as everyone in this room is.

You will listen to your brother, yes?”

He nodded. “Yes. Unless he tells me that I have to eat a hot dog. Then I’ll be back in here petitioning for emancipation.”

The judge smiled, if only for a moment. “Of that I have no doubt.” He turned back to me. “Derrick, I am hereby appointing you as legal guardian to Tyson McKenna. The CPS visits will continue for a short while, and I would recommend that you continue with the therapy as well. But that choice is yours now. And every choice that follows. It is a great responsibility, but one I think you will shoulder as you’ve always done. Do you have any questions?”

“That’s it?” I demanded, unable to stop myself. “He’s mine? That’s all it took?”

Judge Higgins chuckled. “Well, you’ll need to sign a couple of things with a notary, and we’ll want to set a schedule for CPS, but yes, Derrick.

That’s it. He’s yours.”

“Holy shit! ” I shouted.

The judge frowned. “Not in my courtroom, Mr. McKenna. But you’re right. Holy shit.”

And that was all I heard from him because I’d already turned and grabbed the Kid and pulled him up to me and held him close, and as we both trembled, as we both realized that this was finally it, our family closed in around us, and there was laughter and congratulations and even a couple of tears. But it was him in my arms that I focused on, Otter’s hand at my back.

The Kid put his forehead against mine, and everything else faded around us, and the Kid said the only thing that needed to be said.

“It’s about damn time, Papa Bear.”

I WOKE up one morning in August, the sun not yet risen, wondering why my body saw fit to wake me so damn early in the morning. And then it hit me.

I’m getting married today, I thought. Well, fuck me sideways.

I shot straight up in the bed, and stared down at the man next to me, one huge leg draped over mine, his arm across my lap, snoring as if it was going out of style and he had to make sure everyone knew how good he was at it.

I’m getting married to this guy today.

Jesus, it grumbled. You act like you’re surprised. It’s been on your mind ever since you saw that damn ring. Believe me, I know. I’m stuck in here.

Oh, please. You love it as much as I do.

That’s a flat-out lie! Sort of!

My loving gaze turned into a glare, wondering just how the hell the big guy could continue to sleep on what was supposed to be one the most monumental days ever. Bastard. I extricated myself from his grasp and pushed him on his back and straddled his waist. I ground my hips down with just enough pressure to let him know I meant business. He stopped snoring and groaned. I pressed down harder. He cracked open his left eye. “What you doing?” he rumbled.

“How can you be asleep?” I scowled.

“Easy. I close my eyes and it’s done.”

“Oh, well. If you want me to stop, then I can.” I made to move, but his hands came up and gripped my hips.

“And where the hell do you think you’re going?” he growled at me, his fingers digging into my flesh.

“Nowhere,” I managed to get out, rolling my ass against his hardening dick. “Just gonna stay right here until you realize what today is.”

That got him. His eyes went wide and he sat up, holding me in his lap as his arms went around me. “Oh, crap,” he breathed. “We’re getting married today.”