A chill ran down my spine. “I’m sorry.”

Ryan took my hand as Justin shook his head. “I don’t want you to apologize. I want you to figure it out. Okay?”

I nodded and silently promised my best friend 5eva that I would do just that.

“Good.” He looked at the others in the room. “Now, we have two things to focus on which take precedence over anything else: rescuing the King and finding Gary’s horn.”

“Why is the horn a focus?” Vadoma asked, sounding disgruntled. “Shouldn’t our priorities be directed elsewhere?”


“Yes, Gary.”

“I have a strong dislike for your grandma.”

“Noted. I support your right to have such feelings and agree with them completely.”

“Tiggy too,” Tiggy said, glaring at Vadoma.

“A unicorn is a being of pure magic,” Mom said. “They’re incapable of corruption. Right?”

Terry snorted. “Well, we used to be.”

“Terry,” Dad scolded. “Don’t be mean. And Gary, stop getting glitter everywhere. Aren’t you two in your seventies now? You’re no longer children. It’s time you started acting like it.”

“But he started it—”


“Ridiculous,” Terry muttered. “Ryan should come stand by me and comfort me.”

“The horn is the focus,” Justin growled, “because from what I understand, it’s a conduit for a unicorn’s magic.”

“It is,” Terry agreed stiffly. “Humans are capable of stepping into the light or succumbing to the dark. Or even staying firmly in the shadows. Unicorns know only purity. We are incapable of evil because of the clarity of our souls.”

“And we need all the help we can get,” Justin said. “Terry has agreed—”

“Maybe I’ll change my mind. You don’t own me.”

“—has agreed to join our cause. Not just because it’s the right thing to do, because this is his home too. Myrin and the Darks affect all of us, humans and magical creatures alike. And while having him here is a boost to our cause, having him assist us in finding Gary’s horn is why I’ve asked him here.” He looked at Gary, and his face softened a little. It was startling to see him directing such an expression toward Gary. “I know it’s a… tough subject, and obviously traumatic, but any insight you can give would certainly help.”

“You’re probably going to regret saying that,” I warned Justin, even as Gary’s eyes widened.

Justin frowned. “Why would I regret—”

“Sam! Tiggy! Did you hear that?”

I sighed. “Yes, Gary. I heard.”

“Do we have to?” Tiggy asked mournfully.

“What’s going on?” Vadoma asked.

“Justin asked Gary about his horn,” Mom told her. “There’s a… performance. About what happened. It’s very theatrical.”

“Sam! Tiggy! Take your places. Don’t make me ask you again
