“No,” Justin said, sounding horrified. “I did not need to hear that. What the hell is wrong with the both of you! I live there. I’m going to get your parents, I swear to the gods!”

“Shit,” I muttered. “He probably means that. We have to hurry. I want to jerk off on your face. Get on your knees.”

He didn’t even hesitate. He dropped to the floor, face turned toward me. I unfastened my trousers, sighing at the relief in pressure. He looked up at me with a dazed expression, and I grunted, “Close your eyes” as I began to fuck my fist. He did just as I asked. It took only a few pulls before I came, striping his face. My hand was sticky and wet, and he looked so damn good doing what he was told, tongue flicking out, tasting me on his lips.

“Fuck,” I breathed as I slumped down in front of him, dick still hanging out. There was a wet spot on the front of his undergarments and his face was dripping with my spunk, but I leaned in and kissed him for all I was worth.

It was pretty gross, and possibly the best thing in the entire world.

I was well and truly home.

Chapter 6: A Meeting of the Minds

RYAN LOOKED rather smug seeing me dressed in his clothes as we left the house, like some primal part of him now saw me as marked. Given the fact that I’d just come all over his face in a house he lived in with Justin, I didn’t give him too much shit, even though I wanted to. We were still on uneven ground, but I thought it’d be something we could overcome.

But I wasn’t under any illusion that things were back to the way they were. We’d both become different people in the last year, both by choices we’d made and things beyond our control. I placed blame directly on Myrin for most of it, though I knew some of it fell on me. Because no matter what I wanted to believe, there was some truth to what Ryan had said. I’d run. Morgan had lain on a slab of stone, Ryan had been hovering between this life and the next, and Randall had disappeared. The King had turned to me to be his wizard, and I’d felt all of that on top of me, and I’d run. Sure, I’d told myself it was the right thing to do, that it was what the gods wanted, and maybe that was partially correct.

Ryan didn’t take my hand as we left the house, but he kept close to me as we walked through Camp HaveHeart, shoulders brushing. The people brightened at the sight of him, nodding at him or calling out in greeting. He responded to each and every one of them with a small smile.

They were warier of me. I didn’t blame them. While they acknowledged Ryan, the smiles on their faces fell a little when they saw me at his side, and they nervously averted their gazes as if they were intimidated. A year ago, I would have been weirdly thrilled.

I didn’t feel like that now.


It was after a small child ran screaming in the opposite direction as we neared, hands flailing above her head, that I said, “Okay, legit, what is going on? It’s like they think I’m going to make their nipples explode or something.”

Ryan frowned after the little girl, her wails fading into the distance. “That’s probably correct.”

“What? I’m not going to make their nipples explode. I would never do such a thing. Well, not to someone who didn’t deserve it.”

“No, not that you would—wait. You can do that now?”

I shrugged. “Maybe. I think I can pretty much do a lot of things with—and now you’ve got that Sam Is So Fine Because Magic look on your face again. I can’t believe that talking about me magically exploding nipples makes you horny.”

He scowled at me. “I’m not horny at the idea of you making nipples explode.”

“Yeah. Okay. Tell that to your penis.”

“I’m not going to tell anything to my penis.”

“Come on. Just tell it. Just tell your penis that—”


“Right. So, why the weirdness?”

“They feel guilty.”


“How they treated you before you left.”

I stopped in the middle of the busy street, people scurrying around me. “Come again?”

“I already did once. You need to give me a little more time before we try.”

I gaped at him. “Did you just—”