“Knight Commander,” Terry said, and I thought I would be capable of murdering the next fucking thing that interrupted us. “Or should I call you Ryan now? I mean, we are close after letting you on my back, after all. Ryan. Yes. I think I shall call you Ryan. Anyway. Ryan, since I am a guest at your camp, I would like to—”

“Would you shut your fat mouth?” Gary hissed at him. “You’re interrupting the reunion I’ve written fan fiction for. This has been almost a year in the making. I swear to the gods, Terry, if you ruin this for me, I will kick you in the fucking uvula.”

Terry snorted daintily. The sparks were chartreuse. “Like you could even find my uvula. You don’t even know what a uvula is.” His voice was deeper than Gary’s. It was really rather dreamy. For a unicorn.

“Well… okay. That’s true. I don’t. It sounds disgusting. But I won’t stop until I find it, even if that means I need to trample all over your stupid body, so help me.”

“In your throat,” Tiggy whispered. “Dangly.”

“Thank you, kitten, I don’t know what I’d do—annnnd Sam is glaring at me. I wish I could say I hadn’t missed that, but that would be a lie. He looks like a frustrated crack-addicted puppy. It’s so adorable, I feel the need to give him an intervention.”

“That’s Sam?” Terry asked, peering over at me. “The fearsome wizard who will save us all? How… underwhelming.”

“Terry,” Ryan said, a warning clear in his voice. “Leave Sam alone.”

“Fine,” he sighed. “You know I would do anything for you.”

Ryan looked back at me. “When did you—”

“Just kiss already,” Deidre hissed. “I need to see it.”

“Please don’t get them started,” Justin said, sounding as dry as ever. He approached the gate, looking as perfect as always, dark brown curls falling artfully around his head. He was cool and aloof, and I knew he was trying desperately to keep from throwing himself at me, sobbing that I was never to leave him again. He was good at keeping his emotions underneath the cold exterior, but I could see right through him. “They’ll never stop, and it’s something I don’t want to have to witness until I’ve worked up to it.”

“Gary,” Kevin whispered.

“Yes, dragon who I haven’t decided if I’ve forgiven yet?”

“What are your feelings on having sex with twins?”

“Well, I don’t suppose I’ve given it much thought. I mean, if there were two of you—wait a godsdamn minute.”

“You’ve talked about me with your brother?” I asked Gary, feeling strangely touched.

“Nothing nice,” Gary said savagely. “Because you do stupid things like leave me behind. In fact, I doubt I’ve ever complimented anything about you when talking to him.”

“Oh please,” Terry said, rolling his beautiful eyes. “If I didn’t know any better, I would have assumed you wanted to mount him.”

“I can’t believe this is real,” I whispered feverishly. “I’m so happy. Not about the mounting, of course, but everything else. Oh, and once, just once, I’d like to meet a magical creature whose name is something like Volos or Fraenier.”

“You know a dragon named Zero Ravyn Moonfire,” Gary pointed out. “And also, your name is Sam. That’s super boring, just like everything else about you, you little fuck.”

“I will punch your friggin’ face off,” I warned him. “Come at me, bro. You mess with the bull, you’re gonna get the horn.”

Gary gasped. “How dare you make fun of the fact that I don’t have my horn yet!” His eyes filled with tears. “As if I would ever do that to you.”

“We gonna cry again?” Tiggy asked, bottom lip trembling.

“No,” I said, throat thick. “We can’t cry. We don’t have time to—”

“Yes!” Gary wailed. “Sam goes away for a year, and then he comes back and makes fun of me!”

“You made fun of my eyebrows!”

“Because they’re hideous! What did you expect me to do?”

“That’s just mean—okay, time out.”

Gary and Tiggy’s tears dried immediately.