In this forest deep, in the dark of the wild.

Where in these woods, you’ll face your fear,

as time doth stretch toward a year.

The boy from the slums said no.

Later, after everything that followed, he wondered what would have changed had he agreed. If he’d gone with the Great White then. With a heart that had been shattered like glass, he would think it was his fault. That it all could have been avoided had he left with the Great White, had he done what had been asked of him.

Fate can be a terrible thing.

Caleb, the son of the truth-corn leader.

Lady Tina, the wicked bitch of Lockes.

Ruv. Yes, Sam should have seen that one coming.

And when Ruv had taken Ryan’s own sword and thrust it into the knight’s chest?

Sam knew pain unlike anything else he’d ever experienced.

And it only got worse from there.


And Morgan.

Do you remember the day I came to your house for the first time? You stood in your room with such wide eyes. I loved you, Sam of Wilds. Even then. Remember that when the world seems dark. Remember that you have always been loved. You need to run.

Sam had known sacrifice then, hadn’t he?

He’d known when he stood above the love of his life, the healers flitting around him like little birds, telling him in hushed voices that they’d done all they could and that it was up to the Knight Commander now.

He’d known when he stood above a slab of stone, another love of his life looking pale and peaceful, even though death had taken him across the veil.

He’d known then.

What was required of him.

What was expected.

And so the boy from the slums, the wizard’s apprentice known as Sam of Wilds, made the only choice he could.

He accepted his destiny.


You will wake up. I know you will. There’s no other choice. And when you do, I’m not going to be there. I’m sorry for that. You’re going to be mad. I don’t blame you. I’d be pissed at you if you were doing this to me.

But I think, maybe, after the anger has faded just a little, I’d understand.

I’m hoping you can do that for me.

I don’t want to leave you.

But I think this is bigger than just you or me.

It’s my destiny.