, promising that I’d return as soon as I was able. He would be asleep, but I thought he’d know I was there while he dreamed.

So, yes. Much had changed.

Morgan was the King’s Wizard, and still my mentor. We’d decided that I would continue to work with Justin to prepare both of us for the day he’d assume the throne. I’d breathed a sigh of relief when it was agreed upon, not yet ready to take on the responsibilities of the job. I needed time to heal, time to gain better control of the magic that coursed through me. It was as strong as it’d ever been, but there was much I still needed to learn.

“Where are you?” Morgan asked, squeezing my hand again.

“What’s that?”

“You got lost in that head of yours.”

“Oh. Uh, I guess. I was just… thinking. About how grateful I am.”


I shrugged. “Everything.”

He smiled at me, that same smile he’d given me for the first time as we stood in an alleyway in the slums. “That’s a very good thing to be grateful for. Now, we should put some haste in our steps. I’m told your knight was having bit of a meltdown when you couldn’t be located.”

“What a drama queen.”

“When one’s betrothed disappears on one’s wedding day, one tends to think the worst.”

“Well, crap. I didn’t think of it that way.”

“I thought not.”

“It’s a good thing I have you around, then. You know what? As a full-fledged wizard and the future King’s Wizard, I am going to make a royal decree.”

“I don’t think you can actually make a royal—”

“My royal decree is that you need to be around for a long time to make sure when I do stupid things, you are there to tell me said things are stupid. I will probably think you’re being overbearing, and we’ll most likely argue, but still.”

He looked away into the trees, but not before I saw the shine in his eyes. “That’s a good decree, Sam.”

“I think so too.”

And we walked on.

THE CITY was bustling as we entered the gates. A cheer went up at the sight of me, something I didn’t think I’d ever get used to.

I just waved and smiled.

The streets of Verania were decorated with streamers and flags in honor of our wedding day. It had been declared a holiday, and I was sure that at least sixty-four percent of the people had been drunk since nine that morning, but that was okay. If I’d been able to get drunk, I would have, but Mom and Dad had put a kibosh on apple wine, and for some reason Gary and Tiggy had agreed with them.

“There you are,” a shrill voice said.

I ground my teeth together.

“Lady Tina,” I said as Morgan dropped my hand. She stood before us, a frown on her face. Her hair was in perfectly perfect blonde ringlets, and her makeup was expertly applied. But gone were the days of the frilly dresses. Instead she wore the thin pink armor of the King’s Brigade, a newly formed faction of the Knights of Verania. She had argued for women’s equality in knighthood and had been granted her own unit, which was comprised of the former Foxy Lady Brigade. They had made themselves into a formidable bunch and had plans to start training other women to join their ranks starting next summer.

The King had gathered his heads of state and his closest advisors to approve such a group. All had voted aye until it reached me. I had glared at everyone in the room before mumbling my agreement.

I regretted everything about it.

“Do you just think you can mosey off into the woods on your wedding day?” she demanded. “Like this isn’t one of the most important days of my life?”

“Your life?” I snapped. “This has nothing to do with you.”