“You have to know how ridiculous that sounds.”

I cocked my head at him. “Why is it so hard to believe? I was poor, growing up in the slums while the top one percent ruled over this land and gave us nothing. And when I was finally taken from the slums, it was because of a lie told to me by people I trusted and I was met with derision from all sides. And that’s something that never changed. No matter what I did, the people of Verania have hated me. They unified and marched against me. Demanded my removal as the apprentice to the King’s Wizard. And then my mentor died in front of me. I left those I cared for behind while I went to gain power from questionable means. If that’s not the backstory of a villain, I don’t know what is.”

“Right,” Caleb said slowly. “But why here? Why now?”

I grinned maniacally. He took a step back. “Because I’ve seen what I’m truly capable of. How far my magic reaches. Why, I could very well wipe you out with a single thought, but instead I’m letting you live.”

Caleb swallowed thickly. “What happened to them?” he asked, nodding up at the precious cargo in Kevin’s arms.

“Sam asserted his control over the dragon and forced him to take them out in front of us,” a Dark said. “I’ve never seen such a thing. I mean, it’s about time that insufferable unicorn finally got knocked out. I’m so anti-Gary, I don’t even know what to do with myself.”

Anti-Gary, I mouthed to no one in particular, because the phrase just didn’t compute. Gary was one of the greatest creatures ever to have existed. Everyone loved him. And now that he had his horn back, there was just more to love. Sure, he could be overbearing and mean and snarky and bitchy, and he really didn’t understand personal boundaries or common courtesy or that funerals were not an appropriate time to hit on a hot newly widowed lumberjack, but the fact that anyone could not like him was simply mind-boggling.

And when the Darks started murmuring their assent behind us, it was all I could do not to actually smite them where they stood. Gary was awesome and cool, and I really liked it when he sang songs about killing people he didn’t like.

“You have control over the dragon?” Caleb asked, sounding incredulous.

I squinted at him. “What part of Sam of Dragons do you not understand?”

“Does that include the Great White?”

“He’s a dragon, isn’t he?”

“What is the meaning of this?” another voice called as it entered the courtyard where we’d gathered. I didn’t even need to look. I would recognize that voice anywhere.


He came to stand next to Caleb. He didn’t look surprised to see me, even if his outburst suggested otherwise. He appeared rather smug, which led me to suspect Myrin did sense my presence just as I’d expected. In fact, I thought it was possible that Myrin was somewhere in the crowd, listening to every word. Many of the Darks had hoods pulled up over their heads, obscuring their faces. Myrin was probably going to let Caleb and Ruv vet me before he revealed himself in a dramatic fashion that was supposed to strike fear and awe in the hearts of all those present. I reminded myself to show fear and awe when the time came.

“It appears Sam here has had a change of heart,” Caleb said, sounding nervous. “He’s claiming to be a villain now. Says he has control over the dragons.”

I could see the moment when Ruv registered who Kevin held. His eyes widened slightly, but that was all. He hid it well. He hadn’t been expecting them. “A villain,” Ruv said slowly.

I shrugged. “It happens, I guess. But hey, maybe I don’t want to have to repeat myself over and over again. So why doesn’t Myrin join us so I can just say this once?” I sneered at Ruv. “Besides, I don’t think I’d answer to someone like you. I mean, you’re cute and all, what with your dirty street magic, but I think it’s time for the adults to talk, don’t you?”

He didn’t like that very much. “I am his second,” Ruv hissed, taking a step toward me. “And as for my dirty street magic, it certainly got the best of you, didn’t it? Myrin gave it to me, and I made sure to use it against you as best I knew how. My sail board, for example. You thought it a gift from the heart, when instead it allowed me to track your every move until it was unfortunately destroyed.”

Whoa. That escalated quickly. And for the briefest of moments, my control wavered and a great and terrible rage rose within me, and it felt black and dark, that someone like him could be so cavalier about—

I took a breath. And pushed it away.

“Is that what you think?” I asked him coolly.

“It’s what I know.” He took another step toward me. “I stood in that house and felt your anger when you realized just how completely I’d betrayed you. How well you’d been played. I wallowed in your anguish when I shoved your cornerstone’s sword into his chest. I was right under your nose the whole time, and you never saw me coming. So don’t speak to me as if I’m not worthy of your attention. Because I have taken more from you than almost anyone here, and I will have your respect.”

He was right, of course. Not about respecting him, because fuck that. But no, I hadn’t seen his betrayal until it was too late. He had me there. But I couldn’t let that distract me. Not when—

There. In the crowd. Off to the right.

“Myrin,” I said, raising my voice. A hush fell over the Darks. “Perhaps you could pull your guard dog back so we may have a civilized discussion.”

No one moved.

I turned and looked directly at the hooded Dark who emanated that sick yellow infection tinged with something so much more, something that felt akin to home, but twisted in savage mockery of what it had once been. He had his own magic, yes, but he also had Morgan’s, and it reached for me, sticky and sweet, whispering for me to love it, to touch it, to meld with it like we’d done time and time again.

I reached up and pressed my hand against Ruv’s chest, pushing until he took a step back. His eyes narrowed, but I ignored him. “Myrin,” I said again. “If you please.”

He reached up and pulled his hood back and—