“Punching orphans!”

“General mayhem!”

“Yes,” I said, nodding furiously. “I like all of those things too. Like, so much. Good. That’s the end of my monologue. I’m glad we’re all on the same page.”

“Except—” Terrance said.

“Shut up, Terrance,” I snapped at him.

The other Darks laughed. “Yeah, Terrance,” one said. “Shut up. He likes potatoes and general mayhem. He’s obviously a Dark wizard. Ooh, Myrin’s going to be so pleased. I can’t wait to see the look on his face when we bring his sworn enemy into the castle, only for him to realize that said enemy is now a Dark wizard and will help us crush the Resistance.”

They all started laughing evilly.

I laughed evilly along with them, because that was what one did when one was pretending to be a Dark wizard.

I so had this.

UNDER MY instruction, Kevin had gathered Ryan, Tiggy, and Gary in his arms, Dimitri following dutifully behind him as we were led into the City of Lockes. Dark wizards inside the City gaped at us until the call went out that the great Sam of Dragons had turned into a villain and was here to bring about the end of everything good and happy and filled with sunshine. The Darks cheered. The prisoners stared at me with wide eyes filled with shock and betrayal. I ignored them, making sure my robes billowed evilly around me. I waved at the Dark wizards, accepting congratulations on my decision to explore the fine art of villainy. My hand was shaken, my back slapped, and I smiled as evilly as I could to make sure no one saw through my ruse.

The farther we walked into the City, the more Darks poured out of the buildings and alleyways until the streets were filled with them trailing along behind us. Sure, some remained at the gates and on the parapets, but the majority were following.

As we wound our way through the City toward Castle Lockes, Kevin kept his gaze straight ahead, Tiggy, Gary, and Ryan lax in his arms. Dimitri fluttered behind him, head bowed. The fact that this had worked as well as it had was a little shocking but not unforeseen. I was obviously one of the world’s greatest actors, just now coming into my talent.

Castle Lockes loomed before us as we approached, Myrin’s flags fluttering in the breeze. I could see Darks gathering ahead at the entrance to the castle and wondered if Myrin already knew of my arrival. I’d done nothing to shield my magic since we’d stood outside the City. If he was as powerful as I thought and as connected to me as the gods claimed, then I thought he would have known I was here.

So I was a little disappointed when we reached the entrance to Castle Lockes only to be greeted by… Caleb.

“What is this?” he asked, eyes wide. He looked up at Kevin and who he carried before glancing back at me. “What is he doing here?”

“He’s turned into a villain!” one of the Darks exclaimed. “He monologued and everything.”

“It was really quite impressive,” another Dark said. “It wasn’t even a monologue from a beginner. Quite advanced, if you ask me. Pretty much a natural.”

What a mean thing to say. “Bwahahaha,” I laughed, trying to prove to Caleb that I was, in fact, a villain as the Darks were claiming.

Caleb’s eyes narrowed. “Sam of Dragons has… turned?”

“Well, that’s what it looks like,” Terrance said, because he never knew when to keep his fucking mouth closed.

“Shut up, Terrance,” Caleb snapped.

“Aw,” Terrance said, looking down at the cobblestone.

“I’m totes evil now, dude,” I told Caleb. “You can trust me on that.”

“Totes evil,” he repeated slowly. “And how did

this come to pass?”

I shrugged. “You can only spend so much time in the Dark Woods getting magic shoved into you by dragons before your mind starts to… expand.” I glanced up at Kevin to see Gary staring down at me, a strange look on his face. “You begin to see things in a different light. I’m no longer the person I once was.”

Caleb stared at me for a long moment. Then, “You expect me to believe that.”

“Yes,” I said.

“You, Sam of Dragons, are now a villain.”

“Pretty much.”