But not before I caught the look of fear in his eyes.

It’s not the same.

It’s not.

GLANDUR PASSED beyond the veil.

Randall is Head Wizard now.

There’s not many of us left.

Randall doesn’t seem concerned.


“You’re young yet,” he said. “More will come if needed.”

But what if they don’t? Will magic just… die?

HE TOLD me once it would be better if Myrin’s name was wiped from history.

I didn’t believe him.

I never tried to stop him.

I NEVER thought there’d come a day when I realized I haven’t thought about Myrin in years.

Today was that day.

Now I can’t shake him from my mind.

We should check the seal. Just to be safe.

SOMETIMES I still doubt myself.

Anya laughed at me. Her hair is gray now, the lines around her face and mouth more pronounced. She’s still the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.

“You can do this,” she chided me gently. “I know it. I believe in you.”

She believes in me.

She believes in me.

Thank you, Anya.

MORGAN OF Shadows.

My name. I’ve never thought of it much.

But doesn’t Randall just have the most curious sense of humor?


I knew this day would come.

Gods, how I wish I’d prepared for it better.

Maybe she’ll—