“My heart breaks at such a thought,” Randall snapped back.


We all turned to the source of the angry voice.

Grand Prince Justin of Verania stood tall, glaring at all of us, arms across his chest. A breeze blew over him at that moment, making his clothes billow slightly, his dreamy curls bouncing on his head. He looked kingly as hell, and I was at once jealous of how amazing it was and proud that he was my best friend 5eva.

“You look really good,” I told him, in case he didn’t know. “Like, dude. I’m thinking about breaking up with Ryan and wooing—oh my gods, I’m kidding. Ryan, put your sword away. Justin, stop gagging.”

“I’m watching you,” Ryan warned Justin.

Justin rolled his eyes. “I should hope so. That’s your job.”

“Oh. Right. Well. Carry on, then.”

Justin looked as if he wanted to punch something “As delightful as all of this is—”

“I don’t think he means that at all,” Gary whispered to Tiggy.

“—we didn’t gather here for more of your shenanigans. Whatever grievances you may have, it is time to put them aside. Or at the very least, hold them until after we’ve saved Verania.”

“Grievances,” GW rumbled, cocking his exceptionally large head. “You reduce the betrayal by an apprentice to a grievance. Who do you think you are, human?”

Any normal person would have been shitting themselves. Justin was not a normal person. He squared his shoulders and narrowed his eyes. “I’m the King-In-Waiting. I am the Prince of Verania. I shall have your respect if you hope to ever have mine.”

“Holy shit,” Gary breathed. “Did anyone else just get a power boner?”

Kevin raised his hand. So did Dimitri. I was going to, but Ryan was glaring at me. Inexplicably, Leslie also raised a hand. I felt it better not to ask.

Justin ignored them, eyes only on GW. “This is bigger than you. Than myself. Than any of us. Our very way of life is threatened. Myrin will not stop until he controls all he sees. This is my country. These are my people. He has taken from me—from all of us—and I will see to it that he has paid for his crimes against Verania. I don’t care about apprentices or cornerstones or whatever has brought us to this moment. The time for blame has passed. We’re made up of our histories, but we control our futures. Sam is my wizard. He’s been chosen by the gods to bring about the end of the man in shadows. And I will stand by him. I expect you to do the same. Sam, get that look off your face. Now is not the time for hugging.”



“I just—”


I sighed.

The Great White stared down at Justin for a moment that stretched a beat too long. There was a second or two where I was sure GW was just going to eat Justin, but he snorted instead. “You must have a heart of steel to speak to me in such a way.”

“I’ve found that there’s a time and place for diplomacy. This is not it. I will be blunt, as is required of someone in my position.”

“You cannot wipe away the sins of the past.”

“True,” Justin agreed. “But when all the world depends upon you, I would hope you could at least overlook them for now.”

GW’s lip curled. “And you say you will be king?”


“I can see that. You are impressive.”

“Wow,” I said. “I’m so glad you’ve known him for all of five minutes and come to that conclusion when I’ve known you for a year and the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me was that at least I was more adept at magic than a rotting corpse.”

“You’re my apprentice,” GW said. “I’m not supposed to be nice to you.”