Kevin’s lip curled in disgust. “Don’t be crude. I would never. There is only one creature worthy of carrying my children, and his name is Gary.”

“Gary can’t carry your children,” I reminded him, feeling ill that such words were even coming out of my mouth. “You’re both dudes. He doesn’t have a uterus.”

“Since you’re such an expert at Gary’s insides and all. I told you, pretty, all you had to do was ask, and we’d include you in our—”

“Nope. Nope, nope, nope. I’m gonna stop you right there. You are terrible, and we have other things to focus on. Such as Lady Tina DeSilva and how we’re going to eviscerate her.”

“Are you sure this is Sam of Wilds?” Brant asked his sister. “Because I thought he’d be more… not this.”

“I’m completely sure,” Katya said. She glanced at me. “Okay, a little sure.”

“Hey! I’m not Sam of Wilds anymore. I’m a full-fledged wizard now. Sam of Dragons for the win!”

“They grow up so fast,” Kevin said, smiling down at me.

We were following Katya and Brant through the Dark Woods, supposedly to this Camp HaveHeart. I didn’t trust them, not fully (and how could I after the Lady Tina thing? That was just ridiculous), but I figured it was as good a place to start as any. I wasn’t too worried about them betraying us. If they turned out to be villains, I would make their insides go on their outsides, and that would be that.

The other dragons had stayed in the woods under the guidance of GW. Five dragons descending upon a camp would probably send people into a panic. Kevin had been allowed to come because he was just as much a part of this as I was. The others would come when I called for them.

Katya and Brant had told us haltingly in turn that Camp HaveHeart was a stronghold in what remained of the Port of Verania, outside of the City of Lockes. With the sea behind them, they’d been able to take back the Port from the Darks, who had then holed up inside the middle and upper quadrants of the City around Castle Lockes. They’d regained control of the sea town about six months ago, and they were building an army of Resistance fighters made up of knights and army and civilians alike. It was there Ryan Foxheart and Prince Justin had begun to plot to try and take the City, though it was slow going.

“He’s going to be so happy to see you,” Katya told me. “They all will.”

I had trouble believing that, but I pushed it away. One thing at a time. “Gary and Tiggy?”

Brant groaned. “They’re with them. Gary is… I guess I’ve never met a unicorn before, because I didn’t expect him to be… like that.”

“Yeah,” Kevin said. “Isn’t he wonderful?”

“Uh. Yes. That’s exactly what I meant.”

“The four of them were gone on a mission when we left,” Katya said. “They’re due back in a few days. Most likely we’ll arrive before them.”

“And my parents?” I asked, throat suddenly thick. Dimitri had told me they were okay, but I needed to hear it again.

“Joshua and Rosemary are some of the best fighters we have.”

“They’re the best what?”

Brant and Katya exchanged a look I didn’t quite understand. “Rosemary trains all of the civilians,” Katya said slowly.

“And Joshua was the one who made me my sword,” Brant said.

“So many words,” I grumbled. “We’re going to have so many words when we get back, they don’t even know.”

“This is going to be the best day ever,” Kevin said. “Except for the part where everyone is going to yell at me for being bewitched by Sam. Also, Sam, a question, if I may.”


“I’m going to ask it anyway.”

“No, you may—”

“When we get to Camp HaveHeart—which, I don’t know why they couldn’t have gone with Camp DragonCorn, since it sounds so much better—might I regale everyone with a completely true story of how I totally saved your life today so that I may delay any animosity that could come in my direction?”


“Follow-up question, if I may. Why are you such a bitch?”