Empty cells stretched out on either side of me, torches lit on the walls, water dripping from the ceiling. The dungeons were cool and dank, and it felt so good to be back home. But I had little time to appreciate it, because I had a hand to lop off for daring to touch Ryan Foxheart.

The hand, as it turned out, was attached to an arm, which in turn was attached to a hooded figure that held Ryan Foxheart against one of the jail cells. Ryan’s back was shoved into the metal bars, and he was kicking his legs to no avail, the hand tightening around his throat.

I stood up slowly, trying to keep the gold and green at bay. The moment I let it out, the moment I called my magic to me, Myrin would know I was here, and we’d be screwed.

I pulled myself to my full height, sure I looked extraordinarily badass and intimidating. “You would do well unhand him,” I said grandly. “Before I unhand you.”

The hooded figure snorted.

Ryan stopped struggling. “That… didn’t make sense.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Uh, yes it did. I’m going to unhand him, meaning I’m going to relieve him of his hand.”

“That’s not what unhand means.”

“It made sense in context.”

“Are we really doing this now?” Justin asked, sounding incredulous as he came through the doorway. “Seriously.”

“He’s just jealous because I have awesome catchphrases,” I told Justin.

“That’s not a catchphrase,” Justin said.

I squinted at him. “Are you sure?”

“Do you even know what a catchphrase is?”

“Uh, yeah, dude. It’s the thing you say when your robes are billowing and you’re looking all daunting and shit. Trust me, I would know. I often find myself with billowing robes and looking daunting and shit.”

“It’s good to know that even when your appearance has changed,” the hooded figure said, “nothing else about you has. Even after all this time. I assume this is the Knight Commander I have bested?”

“Bested?” Ryan growled. “Set me down, you mothercracker, and I’ll show you bested.”

“Since I would know Sam’s inane prattling anywhere,” the stranger continued, “that leaves the rather portly fellow as the Prince. I expect him to have you beheaded for such a thing when this is all said and done.”

“I’m considering it,” Justin agreed. “But since you know us, it’s only fair that we would know you. Reveal yourself before I have my wizard end your life.”

“Best friends 5eva!” I whispered fervently.

“Your wizard,” the man said slowly. “Truly?”

“Damn right,” I said, standing next to Justin where I belonged. “I’m his wizard, and you’ve got my boyfriend by the throat. I’m going to straight-up murder your sorry ass if you don’t let him go right this second.”

“Ah,” he said. “Is that right? I’d like to see you try.”

I frowned. “Really? Because I wasn’t being serious. I mean, I will if I have to, but killing people is bad, you know? I would rather you just let him go, and then he can hit you upside the head or something.”

“Or something,” the man echoed.

“Who are you?” Justin asked.

“A master of disguise, apparently,” he said dryly. “Either that or you’re all still a bunch of idiots. Which, both are most likely true.”

And I knew.

Because no one insulted me like he did.

I remembered the last thing he’d ever said to me, and I—