“They were late arrivals.”

“On that caravan from earlier?”


Caleb took a step toward us. “Interesting. I thought it was just supplies being delivered. I don’t like it when things are late.”

“My apologies, sir,” Justin said evenly. “It won’t happen again. Which is why I am trying to bring these slackers up to speed so they don’t waste anyone else’s time.”

“Good. If there are any further… problems, I’d like for you to report to me. Is that clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

Caleb nodded and made as if he was going to leave. But then he paused and turned back to Justin. “One more thing. I don’t know if I even recognize you.”

“I was in Meridian City until last week,” Justin said hastily. “But I was assigned to Castle Lockes by Craven the Bold.”

Caleb made a face at that. “Craven. He still draws breath? How… unfortunate. But I suppose he gets results, however unorthodox the method. Well, I’ll leave you to it, then. Remember, anyone steps out of line, you come to me.”

Justin bowed slightly. “Of course, sir.”

“Good. Off with you, then. I have matters to attend to.”

He turned and walked away, robes swirling behind him.

Justin breathed a sigh of relief as he turned back toward us. He eyed me warily. “All right?”

I nodded but didn’t speak.

“We’ll get him, Sam,” Ryan said quietly. “Not today, but soon. I promise.”

He was right about that.

We’d get them all.

THE NEXT room over held the Great Doors to the throne room of Castle Lockes.

I sighed at the sight of them.

The stood as they always had, tall and proud and imposing. I’d walked through them countless times and knew on the other side sat the thrones of the King and Prince, now turned into a twisted mockery of what they’d once been since Myrin had risen to power.

Someone cleared their throat behind me.

I turned and found Justin and Ryan watching me, looking concerned.

I shook my head. “I’m fine,” I said. “Just—it doesn’t matter.”

“It’s the same, you know,” Justin said, looking up at the Great Doors. “For me.”

“Me too,” Ryan said. “Whatever it was, it’s the same.”

I believed them. “We should keep moving.”

Ryan looked like he was going to protest, but changed his mind after Justin nodded and turned toward the Great Doors. He put his hands upon them and started to push.

“What are you doing?” I asked, confused. “We need to go to the dungeons.”

He glanced back at me. “We are. We know how many are guarding my father, but we don’t know how many are at the entrance to the dungeons. We’re going a different way.”