“How terrible,” Terry said. He eyed Lady Tina up and down.

“I have decided I like you. You should feel blessed, as I don’t like most people.” He glanced back at Ryan. “I also like Ryan. A lot.”

Lady Tina preened.

Ryan blushed.

I decided I hated Terry.

“Hi, Terry,” Ryan said, a dopey smile on his face. “I hope you’re settling in well at Camp HaveHeart.

Little rays of light began to shoot from Terry’s horn as he batted his eyes at Ryan.

I decided I really hated Terry.

“So,” I said. “This is just a gathering of all my favorite people in the entire world. Neat. I’m just thrilled that some of you are with some others. Thrilled.”

“I had a vision you would say that,” Vadoma said, the bangles on her wrists knocking together. “I have many visions about everything you say. None of them are good.”

“Well that’s not surprising,” Terry said.

“It really isn’t,” Lady Tina agreed.

Yeah, this wasn’t going to fly. “I think we should take a vote about certain people being kicked out of the Cool Club, because certain people are not being cool—”

“Sorry, sorry,” Gary said, bursting into the tent, panting wildly. “I was unavoidably detained doing… charity work.”

“Charity work,” I repeated. “Your mane and tail look like they’ve been wind-raped.”

He gasped. “How dare you tell a unicorn such a thing? Why, I am offended that those words could possibly even come out of your—”

“What charity?”


“You said you were busy doing charity. What charity?”

His eyes shifted side to side. “You know. The one with. The albino… children.”

“And what do you do for the albino children?”

“Protect them? From… the sun. The sun’s rays. Yes, I shield them from the sun with my mane and tail, which explains why I look as disheveled as I do.”

“What’s the name of the charity?”

“Gary’s House for the Pigmentally Challenged Youth Where I Pretend To Be Chivalrous, But Do It So I Feel Better About Myself.”

“What the fu—”

The ground shook as the tent flaps parted and Kevin stuck his head inside. He grinned when he saw me. “Look at that,” he said. “Right on time as always. You know what they say, a dragon is never late, and that’s what makes them so great.”

“Literally no one says—Kevin.”

“Yes, Sam.”

“You have rainbows dripping from your mouth.”

“Oh. Do I? How about that. How positively droll.” His tongue snaked out from his mouth and flicked along his lips. His eyes fluttered shut at the taste. “Must have been that… rainbow… I flew through. On my way to the meeting.”