Ryan grinned brightly.

Randall rolled his eyes. “We are gathered here today to join Knight Commander Foxheart and Sam of Dragons, who will one day stand as the King’s Wizard. They have both spoken and have agreed they are here of their own volition and peace of mind. Before we begin the ceremony, joining these men in a bond not easily broken, there is a question I must ask.”

“Oh, this is gonna be gooood,” I heard Gary whisper.

And since I couldn’t turn around and tell him to die horribly, I clenched my jaw instead.

Then Randall asked his question, and I swore once again that all the world held its breath.

“Should anyone here present know of any reason why this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

No one spoke.

Someone coughed, but that was it.

I made sure to see who it was so I could ask the King to have them beheaded later.

It was Lady Tina.


I breathed a sigh of relief.

And then, “Are you sure. Anyone at all.”

I turned slowly to gape at Randall.

“Anybody who doesn’t want to see these two married.”


“For any reason. Doesn’t even need to be a good reason. Just… anything.”


“What are you doing?” I hissed at him.

He looked at me blandly and shrugged. “Just had to give everyone a fair shake. Did it last time. Figured it was only right to do it here too.”

“Oh my gods, I hate you so fucking much! A dick! A dick on all your appendages!”

He grinned at me. “I’m old. I’m allowed to do whatever I want.”

“He has a point, Sam,” Morgan said.

“Vile betrayer!”

“I love love,” Tiggy said loudly.

“Me too, kitten. It truly is a magical thing between two people.”

“Or three people,” Kevin pointed out. “If one was so inclined and did what they were supposed to do instead of choosing someone crazy and getting captured by them.”

“Excuse me?” Gary growled. “It’s not my fault I—”

“My gods,” Terry said with a sniff. “Have you ever thought of not being a whore?”

“Whaaaaat is happening,” Ryan said.