Randall cleared his throat.

“Right, right,” I said hastily. “Not the time. I’ll tell you later.”

Ryan nodded rather maniacally. “Yeah, okay. Sure. Fine. Whatever.”

I frowned. “Are you all right?”

“Fine, fine. Just. You know. Getting married!”

“That was… shrieky. Do you not want to?”

His eyes bulged. “Are you out of your damn mind?”

“Watch your mouth! There are children present!”

He grabbed my hands and held them tightly. “Sam, there is nothing I want more.”

I blinked rapidly. “Okay. Yeah. Me too.”

He nodded, and that was that.

The King stood. He smiled at Ryan and me before looking out at his subjects. “Much has happened since we last gathered here for such an event. We have seen the bravery of men and women of Verania as they rise to face adversity. We have seen the good in all of us, and the evil of those who would attempt to bring us to our knees. We have lived. And we have lost. But I know those who cannot be here today are smiling down upon us, their grace soothing whatever hurt remains. We have taken back our country, thanks in no small part to the men we have gathered here today for.”

He smiled at each of us in turn. “You have an oath to the Crown. To the country. To me and my son. And to each other. Though no legality is needed to see the bond between the two of you, I am honored to be present for your union. My son said once that hope is a weapon. And it is. But sometimes we must lay down our weapons to accept our rewards. And today, I believe the love between these two men is a reward to us all.

“And so, as your King, I give you my blessing. May you know only happiness for the rest of your days.”

He nodded at us, then took his seat upon his throne.

Randall stepped forward.

Shit. This was happening.

It was really happening.

Fuck yes.

Randall said, “Now, I must ask before we proceed. And I’m going to start with Knight Commander Foxheart, because last time he didn’t seem so sure.”

The crowed snickered.

Ryan blushed harder.

Gods, I was going to destroy him later.

“Knight Commander, are you here of your own volition and peace of mind?”

“Yes,” Ryan said immediately.

The crowd sighed in relief, the fucking drama queens.

(I sighed inwardly, so.)

“Sam of Dragons, are you here of your own volition and peace of mind?”

“Hell yeah,” I blurted out.

Morgan put his face in his hands.