“Sam,” the King said gently, “your magic. It will keep you young for a very long time.”

Randall sighed. “Sam found a way to manipulate his magic. He will age as normal.”

“You did what?” Justin asked.

I shrugged. “No big thing.”

The King smiled. “Of course you did. Please don’t ever stop surprising me. I would like it if we all came out of this alive. I want to see what wonders you’ll all achieve.”

“And you did it for me,” Ryan said quietly. We all turned toward him. He watched me with something akin to awe.

I blushed, scuffing my boot against the dirt. “I already told you that, but yeah. Mostly. Sure, part of it was me wanting to live a normal life. Well. As normal a life as is possible for someone like me. But when I wished on the stars to do something important, to be someone who matters, I didn’t mean all of this. This… destiny. I think I meant you. Because you’re my something important. You help me be that someone who matters.” I looked away. “You’re my wish, you know? I think you always have been.”

A couple of fingers went under my chin and lifted my head. Then lips were pressed against mine, a kiss so bittersweet and tinged with desperation that it took my breath away. Everything else melted away, just for a little while.

When he broke the kiss, he pressed his forehead against mine, his nose brushing my cheek. “You did it for me,” he said again, voice low.

“I would do anything for you. And this country.”

He pulled away, but only just. His gaze was searching when he said, “Including killing me.”

I swallowed thickly. “Right.”

“And then bringing me back.”

“That’s the plan. Shocking the shit out of you. And Myrin. More than I’ve ever done before. Hopefully it’ll fry his brains and save yours.”

He stared at me. “This might be the stupidest plan you’ve ever come up with.”

I grinned at him. “I thought so too.”

“How did you even think of this?” he asked, taking a step back, dropping his arms.

“The Grimoires. Morgan’s. Randall’s. And Myrin’s. They were… magic is in the mind. That was something they all had written. A common thread. That’s what they believed, and… maybe they’re right.” I shook my head. “But maybe they’re wrong, because I don’t think magic comes from just the mind. I think it comes from the heart too. And I think Morgan knew that. And maybe Randall does too. But Myrin? Myrin… he doesn’t get it. He’s cold and calculating because he doesn’t understand just how extensive magic can be. He wants power. He takes that power. Ergo, he becomes more powerful. But what can he do with it? He’s covered in shadow. I think he always has been. He’s got a singular focus, wanting to prove that he is the greatest wizard the world has ever known. And it’s all in his mind. None of it comes from his heart.”

“Morgan did see it,” Randall said softly. “And I think it was because of you.”

I couldn’t look at him.

“What is this going to do to you?” Ryan asked.

“To me? I don’t—”

“You’re talking about potentially killing people.”

I blanched. “They’re Darks—”

“I’m not defending them. I’m worried about what this will do to you. I’m a knight. A soldier. I know that I would take a life in order to protect the King and the Prince. To protect you. It’s my job. My oath to the Crown.”

“I’m not a knight.”

“I know.”

“And I’m not a soldier.”

He looked frustrated. “I know that too.”

“But I have an oath.”