Gods help us all.

HE’D BEEN dripping poison in the King of Sorrows’s ears for longer than I thought.

I was barely able to bring him back.

But his eyes cleared.

I HAVE to be strong. For Morgan.

But it’s there, isn’t it?

At the back of my mind.

I have to be strong.

I LASTED longer than I ever thought I could.

But it’s still not enough.

I must flee this place.

Castle Freesias.

It’s my last hope.

I LEFT gifts for the dragons in the cave.

Their feathers are extraordinary.

The shadows are crawling along my skin.

It won’t be long now.


You did this, you did this.

I loved you, and you did this to me.

(THE NEXT pages are illegible, covered in unrecognizable symbols. Some have been torn out.)

HE SMILED. When he saw me.

I wanted to kill him.

“Randall,” he said. “I—”

Morgan barely escaped.

If he returns, it will be the last thing he does.

I CAN breathe.

The sun, it’s… bright today.

A WOMAN named Vadoma came from the desert.

Morgan seems disturbed.