“Because you have to be stopped.”

“Randall, you are constrained by the rules that have been placed upon you. My mind has been expanded in ways you wouldn’t believe. Magic is so much more than what we were taught. Please. Listen to me. This—everything—it can all be ours. If you just—”


“I love you.”

“I know.”

“I’m sorry, then.”

I don’t remember much after that.

I DON’T know how I never saw this coming. How I never saw any of it. He’s so strong. And the Darks have gathered behind him.


My heart.

How it aches.

A SEAL could be made if needed.

After casting someone to the realm of shadows.

We could—

No. No. No.

If I don’t—

I have to kill him.

MORGAN CAME to me today.

He begged me.

He begged me to do what I could.

Then he showed me something. Something I never thought he could do.




I LOVE you, Myrin.

Even now.


We almost died, but it’s done.

He’s locked away.

He screamed and screamed and screamed, but in the end, we were stronger than his rage.