I could do things that most others could only dream about.

I was seventeen years old when I brought a bird back to life.

For the longest time, I never told anyone about it.

I sucked the life from the earth and the trees and pushed it into that little bird, causing its lungs to expand, its heart to thrum.

The ground had been scorched beneath my feet, and remained as such to this very day.

Morgan had fallen, and there had been a moment when I stood above his pale body, the eyes of the King’s Court upon me, and thought, I could bring him back. It would be so easy to do so.

Somehow I’d resisted the temptation.

Because I’d been taught by a man far greater than I that just because I could do something didn’t mean that I should.

“It can get away from you if you let it,” Morgan of Shadows had told me once, shortly after I’d come to Castle Lockes. “It can be something unwieldy, growing beyond your control.”

I’d stared at him with wide eyes. “And that’s bad?”

He’d nodded gravely. “Yes, little one. It’s bad. Because your mind could become clouded and you could lose your way. It is why understanding what you’re capable of is very important.”

“I won’t do that,” I’d said. “I won’t be bad.”

He’d smiled then, that smile I thought was just for me. “I know you won’t. And I’ll be here to help you.”


“I promise.”


Soon, Sam.

I promise.

I’ll be there soon.

And then it will end.

I jerked awake, heart pounding, skin slick with sweat.

Ryan slept at my side, chest rising and falling slowly.

I watched him sleep for the longest time.

FROM THE Grimoire of Morgan of Shadows:

It’s odd, really, being alone. For the longest time, Myrin and Randall were at my side, ever watchful. My guardians. My protectors. My mentors. I felt… complete. Together, we seemed unstoppable. I’d always heard that two wizards should never be each other’s cornerstone, but why not? If it worked, then why shouldn’t they be as they were?

I know now why. I think. Maybe it played a part in all that came after. Maybe it didn’t. Maybe Myrin was always meant to become mired in shadows. Maybe that was his destiny.

Randall said he’d return to me when he’d healed himself.

I just need to wait.

I hope it’s not long.

But things feel… different. Now. The darkness is gone.