“I think,” he said faintly, “there’s oil in the table next to the bed.”

“You should probably get it.”


“Now might even be good.”

He frowned. “Hey, I’m in charge. Remember the whole don’t touch your dick thing?”

“Distinctly. It will forever be ingrained in my memories, because dude, your dirty talk is A-plus work. But it’s cute how you think you’re in charge.”

“I’m about to fuck you,” he pointed out.

I rolled my eyes. “And when have you ever not known me to top from the bottom? Come on, Foxheart. You act like we haven’t had sex in a year or something.”

Something strangely fond crossed over his face. “You’re ridiculous.”

I leaned up and kissed him again before falling back onto the bed. “Damn right. Now get the oil, lube me up, and let’s get this show on the road. I’ve decided I want to ride you.”

He wheezed something fierce.

I patted his sweaty, furry chest. “Glad that works for you.”

He almost fell off the bed with how quickly

he reached for the bedside table. I struggled not to laugh, but then said fuck it and laughed at him anyway. He scowled at me over his shoulder before opening the drawer and digging through it. When he found what he was looking for, he shut the drawer and moved above me again, laying the vial on my chest.

“I suppose I should ask why you have this, right? I mean, while fleeing Castle Lockes, you decided to save lube.”

“I knew when you came back that you’d bitch at me for not having it,” he said dryly. “It was one of the first things I grabbed.”

I blinked. “So… what you’re saying is that while you were all planning to flee for your lives, you had the wherewithal to think about boning me, knowing that when I returned, I was going to yell at you for not grabbing the oil?”

He looked smug. “Sounds about right.”

“I love you,” I whispered fervently. “Dude, you are the best person ever.”

“Oh, I know.”

“Okay. Whoa. Calm down there, Captain Ego. Rein it back in. Let’s not go too far here.”

“But you just said—”

“I know what I said. And now I’m telling you to calm the fuck down.”

“Mood ruined.”

“Funny, that. Your penis says otherwise.”

“Oh my gods.”

“It’s saying ohh, I’m so hard and I can’t wait to go up Sam’s butt—”

He put his hand over my mouth.

I licked his palm.

It’d been a long while since I’d found myself in such a position. When one is in the middle of the Dark Woods surrounded by dragons and getting slammed with magic, one doesn’t find a whole lot of time to finger oneself. And if I was being honest, I couldn’t remember if I’d ever even jerked it in the forest.