His breath was warm on my neck as he panted. “They shot a fireball at you. And you caught it.”

“Yeah, I did. And now I’ve got a fire in my pants that I need you to put out—”

“Oh my gods,” the portly Dark moaned. “This is worse than any torture that could be thrust upon us. Please, I’m begging you. Waterboard me. Anything so I don’t have to witness this horror.”

“What are they doing?” Neil asked, sounding horrified. “Are they eating each other?”

“Shhh,” Kevin hissed. “You’re going to ruin it.”

And it might have gotten worse if we didn’t have water poured on us right at that moment. Ryan sputtered as he jumped up. But then he tripped over my legs and fell on his back, breathing heavily.

Randall stood above us, frowning deeper than I’d ever seen before.

“Not cool, bro!” I snapped at him. “You didn’t need to get us wet.”

He rolled his eyes. “That’s what you do when dogs are in heat and tied together.”

I grimaced. “Ugh. Mood ruined.”

“Noooo,” Kevin moaned. “Why would you do that? Have you seen Ryan’s ass? It’s a thing of beauty.”

“Thank you,” Ryan said, pushing himself up. “I do a lot of squats.”

“You could be squatting on my dick right now,” I muttered. He snorted, extending a hand toward me. I let him pull me up.

But instead of letting me go, he pulled me to his chest, his mouth near my ear. “Tonight.”

“Yeah? You still mad at me?”

“Yes. But I’ve heard angry sex is cathartic.”

I nodded furiously. “Yes. Yes, it is. I agree. All of that. You should be so pissed at me. And then I’ll piss on you—whoa.” My eyes bulged. “Too far. Way too far.”

“Why would you say that?” Ryan asked, sounding horrified.

“I was caught up in the moment! This is all your fault! You tackled me!”

“Well, you’re the one who caught a fireball and then did that lightning dome!” He glanced around, flushing. When he spoke again, his voice was lower. “You know I have a kink for that kind of thing.”

“Please kill us,” Neil begged from behind the electric barrier. “I can’t listen to them anymore.”

“Are you two finished?”

I turned to glare at Randall. “The next time you’re feeling frisky, I’m going to—you know what? Scratch that. If you’re ever feeling frisky, I don’t want to know.”

Frisky, Ryan mouthed to no one in particular.

Randall nodded toward the crackling dome. “This is… impressive.”

“Wow. Thank you. Maybe next time, don’t sound so constipated when you say it.”

“Oh, trust me, there probably won’t be a next time.”

“Rude. But expected. Thank you, Randall.”

“Can you move it?”

“The dome?” I grinned at him. “Fuck yeah I can. Dude, I’m a wizard now. I can pretty much do anything.”