Morgan and Randall did their best, I think. With him. Maybe not the best, but what they thought was right. In the end, it was still a mistake. They should have ended things—ended him—when they had the chance.

I can say that, though, can’t I?

Because I wasn’t there.

What if it was Gary? Or Tiggy?

What if it was Ryan?

Could I sit here and say the same thing, then? Could I have ended things? It would be the right thing to do. It would be the only thing to do.

And yet wouldn’t I do everything in my power to try and save them? To save him?

You bet your ass I would.

There is nothing I wouldn’t do.

Even if it meant banishing any one of them to a realm where they would stay until….

Holy shit.

Where they would stay until I could one day find a way to save them.

Is that it?

Is that what you two have done?

Oh my gods.

You thought—

You thought that one day you could save him.

Have you been trying to find a way all this time?

You have, haven’t you?

The both of you.

You thought that you could find a way to bring him back.

The shadow realm was his prison.

But it was always meant to be temporary.

The keys were given to guardians.

How could you not have known after everything?

Were you deliberately blind when Vadoma came?

Or did you know?

Did you know it would be him, even though he wasn’t named?

Did you think you still had enough time?

Of course you did.