“You,” he panted as I jacked him off. “You first.”

“I don’t know,” I said, sounding unconvinced. “You said the dildo was bigger than me. It’d probably be better if we used it first. Getting you nice and open so we don’t crush my dick.”

“Fine,” he said. “Great. That. I’m okay with that.”

I slapped his ass again, just to see it bounce. He yelped and tried to pull himself away, which only caused him to fuck my fist again.

“Fuck,” he hissed.

“Yes. That’s the plan. I need you to listen to me, Ryan. Are you listening?”


“Good.” I kissed the mark I’d left on his ass. “That’s real good. I want you to push the bars back against the wall. Once they’re in place, you need to decide if you will be on your knees with your face down and biting the pillow, or if you’ll be on your back and letting me see everything that happens to you. You have a minute to decide.”

He muttered something under his breath that didn’t necessarily sound like he was giving a compliment.

“What was that?” I asked sharply.

He sighed. “I said okay.”

“Really. Because it sounded like you called me a fucking asshole.”

“You must have hearing problems, then.”

“You’re funny. I don’t think I tell you that enough. Also, you have forty-five seconds to decide.”

He cursed me again as I pulled myself up, wincing as my dick pushed against my breeches. I adjusted myself as he snapped the bars and the slat back against the wall, still grumbling. I ignored him, instead turning toward the set of drawers next to the bed.

Knowing Mama, there were things in there along with the dildo that I wouldn’t have a single clue what to do with. Ryan and I might have an adventurous sex life, but there were people in the world who were far kinkier than we would ever be. Cock cages, ball clamps, spreader bars, things that could be inserted into a dick; it was enough to cause me to squeak and cross my legs. There was a line that we wouldn’t cross, but I didn’t judge those who did.

Too much, anyway.

Ryan was shuffling on the bed, but I didn’t look to see how he was going to be positioned. Knowing him, he’d be on his knees, facedown. It happened when he got really worked up and just wanted to be fucked. I’d give him time to make that decision for himself.

I opened the drawer, and sure enough, there were things that looked almost like torture devices. I shuddered, unsure what the one in the corner was supposed to attach to. Or on. Or in. It had thin metal wires and a long rubber end that curved sharply. I didn’t even try to stop my ass from clenching at the sight of it.

But sitting right near the top was a thick red dildo that almost looked like a sword, with a grip and guard at one end. I reached down to pick it up, getting a good hold on it. It was heavier than I thought it’d be and was slightly flexible, as the other end curved slightly as I lifted it. I didn’t know what it was made of, having never seen anything like it before. The grip was firm with just a little give, and I knew if I squeezed it hard enough, I’d leave small indentations in it.

And Ryan was right. It was

bigger than me, both longer and thicker, but not by much. It wasn’t obscene, not like some of the other dildos I’d seen in the Tilted Cross. Mama had some in her collection that looked as if I wouldn’t be able to lift them on my own. I’d asked her just who the hell would want something that large up their ass. Mama had told me she catered to a wide and varied clientele who sometimes liked to feel like they were splitting in two and who also might not have been exactly human.

But this was going to be the perfect size for Ryan, and he was going to get the burn he wanted, especially if I fucked him with it and my dick at the same time. I wasn’t too worried about it having been used before. Knowing this drawer, most everything in it had been. But Mama was proud of the rigorous cleaning process that all the sex toys went through each time they were used.

There was also a crystal vial of lubricating oil set in one corner, the liquid amber in color, almost like syrup. But it was slick, the consistency thin. The first time I’d come to the Tilted Cross, Mama had sent me home with a small vial of it, telling me I’d never used anything like it. I’d scoffed at her, somewhat embarrassed, then proceeded to use the entire vial in two days, sure it was the greatest thing I’d ever experienced. The Tilted Cross produced it, and it was expensive, but it was better than anything you could get in the City of Lockes.

I shut the drawer and turned back toward the bed, expecting to see Ryan on his hands and knees. My breath hitched when I saw him on his back, knees brought up against his chest, ass at the edge of the bed where he’d been kneeling just a few moments before. He was breathing heavily in anticipation, his chest now completely flushed as he stared at me, eyes blown wide. He must have been watching me the entire time, seeing me test the heft of the dildo.

“On your back, then?” I asked lightly.

He nodded slowly.

“And how did you come to that decision?”

He sounded like he was gargling rocks when he said, “I want to see you.”

“That so?” His eyes followed the dildo when I set it and the vial of oil on the bed beside him. “You want to see me?”