He refused to take the bait. “You think they’re going to be okay?”

“They’ll be fine,” I said, resigning myself that I wouldn’t be having sex in the next thirty seconds. “I think. Remind me to show you that one spot on Gary that he likes to have rubbed when he starts to get upset.”

“If it’s anywhere but on his head or back, I’m not going to do it.”

“It’s the area between his asshole and his back legs.”

“I hate you so much right now.”

“Uh-huh. That why you’re all spread out like a love buffet, ready for me to take what I want?” My seduction skills were remarkable.

He grimaced. “Really, Sam? Love buffet? That’s what you’re going with.”

“You kind of have a boner.”

“You’re making this less sexy.”

“Well it’s good to know talking about your boner makes things less sexy, but Gary’s asshole sure does it for you.”

“Sam,” he sighed.

“Yes, babe?” I asked sweetly.

“Are you going to fuck me, or am I going to have to do it myself?”

I arched an eyebrow at him. “And how, pray tell, would you do it yourself?”

“There’s a dildo or two in the drawer.” He flushed slightly, eyes darting away. For all that Ryan had been involved in sex work when he was younger, he was still strangely shy actually talking about sex. It was so adorable that I wanted to ruin him.

I grinned slowly. “Is that right?”

“Big too.” He shrugged and looked over my shoulder instead of at me. “Bigger than you.”

Ah, Knight Commander Ryan Foxheart. He could get a little mouthy when he wanted to get laid. It was one of the many, many things that I loved about him. “Huh,” I said. “You think it feels better too? Knowing Mama, she probably spared no expense. Bet it’s made from the finest materials. Probably would feel real good. Especially if you hadn’t been worked open too much beforehand. You know what I’m talking about. The stretch you’d feel as it was pushed into you.”

His pupils dilated a little at that. His throat bobbed up and down as he swallowed. “Yeah,” he said. “It’d probably burn. Maybe hurt too.”

“Because you’d like that, wouldn’t you? If it hurt a little bit.”

He nodded jerkily as he licked his lips. The flush had spread down his neck to the top of his chest.

“Tell you what,” I said, pushing myself off the door and taking a deliberate step toward him. His eyes tracked my every move. “We could always find out, if that’s something you think you would want. I could take it out of that drawer. Spread you out a little bit. Rub it against your asshole. Then

, just when you think you couldn’t take any more, I could fuck you with it. And maybe, if you’re good, I could fuck you too. Maybe have both in you at the same time.”

“Gods,” he whispered, arching his hips like he couldn’t help himself.

“Yeah, I think you’d like that,” I said as I took another step. “Wouldn’t you? Two cocks up your ass. Probably feel real nice. Could never do it with another person, though. I don’t like to share.”

He snapped his head from side to side. “No. Nobody else. Just you.”

“Just me,” I echoed. “But….”


“But if it was just me and that… dildo you already seem so fond of, well. That seems to be a different story altogether. Don’t you think?”

His chest heaved, but he didn’t speak.