I wasn’t a better person.

So instead I tried not to feel oddly jealous as the Knight Commander spoke with the Prince about something I couldn’t hear. I trusted him. I trusted the Prince. But apparently I couldn’t trust my own feelings.

“You’re glaring,” Morgan said, suddenly appearing beside me.

“I’m not,” I said as I glared.

“Ah,” he said. “I must have been mistaken.”

“It’s okay. You’re getting older. Your eyesight had to fail sometime.”

“Cheeky little git,” he said, sounding unbearably fond.

I shrugged. “It’s kind of my thing.”

“I’ve noticed.” Then, “You know there’s nothing there.”

“Where?” I asked, playing dumb.


I rolled my eyes. “I know.”

“Do you?”

“I’m just being stupid.”

“Every now and then, sure. You’re young yet. You’ll grow out of it. You have time.”

Right. Because apparently I’d be alive forever while everything around me died. And that was just swell, because I was beginning to sound like Zero Ravyn Moonfire. This day couldn’t possibly get any worse.

And that would have been true had I not decided to open my mouth again. “I don’t know about that.”

“How so?”

I felt a little mean. “You and Randall have plenty of years on me, yet you seem to make mistakes.”

Morgan hesitated. “Mistakes are a part of learning how to be human. There’s a difference between making a mistake and inviting in stupidity.”

“Really. So how would you classify all of this?”

“All of what?”

I laughed. “This, Morgan. The dead at our feet. The people of Verania who hate me. Feng. Myrin. I don’t know about you, but all of this seems to be nothing but an exercise in stupidity to me.”

“You’re angry still.”

I scrubbed a hand over my face. “Yes, Morgan. I’m angry still. I told you that. It’s not as if this is something I can get over quickly. I love you, dude, but sometimes you suck ass.”

“It’s been weeks since Vadoma came to the City of Lockes,” he pointed out.

“I need more time.”

Morgan sighed. “Of course you do. Sam, I’m not trying to make light of the situation. I have acknowledged my mistakes, however ill-advised they may be. I have apologized for them. I don’t know what else I can do for you.”

“I don’t know either,” I said. “Let me know when you figure it out.”

“You’re young.”