And that, well.

That pissed me off.

“Justin, do it,” I said, struggling to keep my voice even. “Open the door. It won’t matter, because he’s not going to get very far. You can trust

me on that.”

“Dat so?” Feng eyed me up and down. “You tink you can stop me?”

I grinned at him, wicked sharp. “Oh, I know I can. You know what your problem is? And it’s funny, because it’s a common one, so don’t blame yourself too much for it. But you’ve underestimated me. That was a big mistake, and probably your last.”

And there was a flicker of something akin to fear in his eyes that warmed me greatly. It also helped that no one would be able to argue later how badass I sounded. If only my clothes were billowing, this moment would have been perfect.

“If you get me killed, Sam,” Justin said, “I’m going to haunt you for the rest of your miserably short life, I swear to the gods.”

“Good,” I said. “Because we’re best friends 5eva. I wouldn’t expect any less from you. I am so happy you realized that now, right at this moment. I’ll never let you forget it.”

“I hate you so much.”

“Nah. You’re just being held captive by a villain who was stupid enough to take you in front of three wizards, a knight commander, an angry drag queen, and a lady with a glittery eye patch. You’re going to be just fine.”

A pause. Then, “Yeah. Hearing that makes me realize I should have stayed at the castle.”

“Nah, it’s good for you to get out every now and then. Remember how it was before you were kidnapped? You were such an asshole. Now look at you. Having adventures and getting captured. It’s almost like we’re the same person!”

“Oh gods,” Justin moaned. “Maybe I should just go with Feng. At least I wouldn’t have to worry about being like Sam of Wilds for very much longer.”

“Your mouth is saying no,” I told him solemnly. “But your heart is saying yes.”

“Enough,” Feng growled. “Open. Da. Door.”

Justin glanced at me one last time.

I nodded at him.

He sighed… and reached for the doorknob.

I had to think of a plan. I couldn’t let him get out of the Tilted Cross with Justin still his prisoner. I didn’t know who was waiting for Feng outside the brothel, ready to spirit them away the moment they stepped out into the sunlight. Granted, he first needed to make it down the hall, then down the stairs, and to the front door before that happened.

This certainly sounded like a plan thought up by the Darks.

It was fucking ridiculous.

Also, Feng was essentially a gigantic bomb, so. Yeah.

Completely fucking ridiculous.

Justin turned the doorknob slowly.

It clicked in the silence.

And there Feng stood, Justin in one hand, a burning cigar in the other, grinning at us like he thought he’d already made it free, strapped to the hilt with whatever it was on his chest, and as the door began to open, I followed his gaze as his eyes darted around the room yet again.

And I could see then. What he saw.

Those little wooden spheres.

They were stuffed everywhere in the room.