For Morgan.

For Randall.

For Myrin.

For Ryan Foxheart, the dreamiest dream to have ever been dreamed.

Tiggy came back eventually, and he gathered both of us in his arms, whispering how much he loved us, how he would always be there to take care of us, and please, Sam, please don’t be sad.

We stayed there, together, for a long time.

Eventually I ate.

Eventually I slept.

I dreamed of Randall. He told me I had to do what was necessary.

“IT WON’T hold me,” Ruv said.

I looked through the bars of his cell in the dungeon. It was one of the cells in the very back, the ones meant for wizards. It dampened their magic. He was neutered. Useless.

“It’s doing a pretty good job so far,” I said dryly.

“He won’t let it. Eventually he’ll come for me.”

“Maybe,” I said. “And maybe he’ll even get you. But it won’t be for long.”

Ruv smiled at me. “I liked you. I really did. I think… well. I thought there could be something between you and I.”

“Eh. Couple of things against that. One, I already have a cornerstone. Two, you’re a villain with a mouthful of crazy. Kind of knocks you out of the running, dude.”

“Maybe you’ll change your mind.”

“Doubtful. What’s Myrin’s plan?”

The smile widened. “To burn Verania to the ground and then rise from its ashes like a phoenix of old. It will be remade in his image. And there is nothing you can do to stop it.”

“Watch me.”

His smile faltered.

He took a step back.

I turned and walked away.

“You’ll see, Sam!” he shouted after me. “Soon, you will witness what he is truly capable of.”

And then he laughed.

“WE’LL FIGURE it out,” Dad said, arm wrapped around my shoulders.

“Together,” Mom said, placing her hand on my knee.

Even if your heart is breaking, I thought.

“I CAN’T be what you need me to be,” I said. “Not yet. It would be better if it was Randall. For now.”

“Randall’s not here,” the King said, a frown on his face.