And then he turned back toward Morgan.

He raised his hands.

I said, “No. Don’t do this. Please don’t do this.”

Myrin’s hands touched Morgan’s. Their fingers intertwined.

The rust red began to spread to Morgan.

I tried to push against Morgan’s shield, the containment that surrounded them, but it was like I could smell Ryan’s spilled blood, like I could hear the tripping, stuttering beat of his heart. That, combined with Morgan’s strength, even as the rust spread up his arms, held me back. Lightning began to arc through the room, crawling along the edges of the bubble.

I wanted death.

I wanted to kill.

The rust reached his shoulders and began to spread down through his torso.

“Let me in!” I screamed at him.

Morgan smiled at me.

He said, “Do you remember the day I came to your house for the first time? You stood in your room with such wide eyes. I loved you, Sam of Wilds. Even then. Remember that when the world seems dark. Remember that you have always been loved. You need to run.”

And then he was consumed.

His eyes rolled back in his head.

Time seemed to slow around us, and for a moment, all the world held its breath.

Morgan exhaled, a bright spark drifting from his mouth.

It hung between the two brothers.

And then Myrin inhaled, mouth open, teeth bared.

I prayed to the gods.

They didn’t answer.

Myrin closed his mouth around the spark.

The bubble began to flicker as Myrin’s head rocked back, the cords standing out on his neck as he started to seize. He dropped his brother’s hands, and it took an age for Morgan of Shadows to fall to the floor, skin ashy and pale, eyes blank and unseeing.

Another crack sounded in the room, and suddenly Randall was standing in front of me, hands on my shoulders, shaking me furiously. I managed to look up at him.

He said, “I will do what I can, but he will be stronger than me. You must do what is right, Sam of Wilds. You must do what is necessary, even if your heart is breaking.”

And he was turning then, rushing toward where Myrin stood, the seizures slowing, the magic once again building. He dove toward Myrin, and as Myrin turned his head to look at me, Randall collided with him. There was a sharp flash of light, and they were gone.

The only sounds were the creaking of the crumbling house around us.

Ruv lay upon the floor, groaning, though he didn’t open his eyes.

Ryan had fallen to his side, a pool of blood spreading underneath him.

Morgan stared up at the ceiling, eyes glassy and unblinking.

I waited for him to take a breath.