“Or,” Ryan said, smiling quietly, “if it’s all right with you and she was feeling up to it, we could visit her. Do you think that would be all right with your parents?”

There was a possibility that Caleb shat himself, but I didn’t think it was a polite thing to ask, especially when it looked as if tears were welling in his eyes. “I-I-I-I-I—”

“Oh my gods,” Gary moaned behind us. “It’s like you just shot feelings all over my face. I just got a feelings facial and I feel so dirty.”

Ryan reached out and dropped a hand on Caleb’s shoulder, causing him to fall silent. “It’s okay.”

Caleb reached up and wiped his eyes. His hands were shaking, and I could see his shoulders trembling. “Y-you w-would do that? For h-her?”

“Sure, kid,” I said, oddly touched by the whole situation.

“That… th-that would be an honor. I-if you could spare the t-t-time.”

“Would tomorrow be all right?” Ryan asked. “Give you enough time to clear it with your parents?”

Caleb nodded.

“When do you finish your page work?” I asked him.

“Five, sir.”

“And where do you live?”


“Not too far, then,” I told Ryan. “We could spare an hour or two. Morgan won’t mind. And we haven’t heard anything from Randall, so I don’t think it’ll be a problem.”

“We can meet you at the front gates at quarter past?” Ryan said to Caleb. “If that would work for you.”

“Y-yes. Oh, my lords. T-thank you, th-th-thank you. She will be so h-h-happy.”

Ryan chuckled. “It’s our pleasure. You said you had a letter for Sam?”

“O-oh! R-right. I’m s-so s-sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it,” I said, waving a hand at him. “It’s probably something boring anyway.”

He handed over a thick sheet of paper, folded and closed with a wax seal. He bowed again so low that my own back twinged at the sight of it. He took a few stumbling steps toward the doors to the stable but stopped when Justin called out to him.

“Page, what did you say your last name was?”

“I d-didn’t, Your M-Majesty.”

“Ah. My apologies. Tell me, please.”

I frowned.

“It’s Marlowe, m-my P-Prince.”

“Thank you. That will be all.”

The page left with one last look at us, his gaze stuttering when he looked up at Kevin, but then he was gone.

“That might have been the most adorable thing that’s ever happened,” Gary said. “And trust me, I know adorable. I mean, look at me.”

“Who’s the letter from?” Ryan asked.

“Mama,” I said. “It’s her seal.” I showed him the large phallus embedded in the wax.