“You will tell me what you did,” Dimitri said, fluttering in front of my face.

I waved my hand as if trying to get rid of an annoying insect. “I declined a ridiculous invitation. Also, you should know that the Great White is a bit of an asshole. In case you were wondering.”

“You declined. An invitation. By the Great White.”

“Wow,” I said. “I didn’t know your face could turn that purple. That’s impressive.”

“Do you wish to die?” Dimitri snarled at me.

I cocked my head at him. “Was that a threat? Because that sounded like a threat.”

“You need him. You know what the prophecy says! You require—”

“You know what?” I took a step toward him. “I am getting sick and tired of people telling me what I need. What I must do. What’s required of me. And I’m really fucking sick and tired of this godsdamn prophecy. I never asked for this. I never wanted this. This was thrust upon me, and I am paying for the sins of those that came before me. The Great White chose to walk away without helping me. Without helping Verania. He has turned his back on me and all of you. I could do the same. I could turn my back on the people that need me the most, because I am tired of it all. But I’m not going to do that, because I am better than that. I’ve stopped Myrin before on my own. And now I have four dragons to back me up. It will be enough.”

I spun on my heels, pushing past Kevin and leaving the fairies behind.

I heard Dimitri speak quietly after me.

He said, “For all our sakes, I hope you’re right, Sam of Wilds.”

I didn’t look back.

GARY AND Tiggy and Ryan all yelled at me when they found us a couple of hours later.

Justin did that thing where he looked like he didn’t care, but obviously it was just an act because best friends 5eva.

“Is it done?” the Prince asked when the others had finally quieted down. Tiggy had gathered Gary and me in his arms, holding us close. Ryan stood next to him, hand wrapped around my ankle, anchoring me to him. I felt a little bit better. I loved my idiots. “Did he agree to help you?”

I smiled at him. It felt stretched too wide. My hands trembled the barest amount. “It doesn’t matter. It’s time to go home.”

And with that, we began the journey toward the City of Lockes.

THERE WAS a moment before we left the Dark Woods that I felt a little pulse at the back of my mind, a white light that echoed dully.

He whispered, Remember, apprentice: a year is what I will require when you return to me. And make no mistake, you will return.

And then it was gone.

IV: City of Lockes

Chapter 20: Home Again

ANYTIME WE came home to Castle Lockes, there was always a raucous welcome, the King, Morgan, and my parents all happy and excited to see us return.

This time was no different.

We’d been gone for a long time, far longer than we ever had before.

I didn’t think I could be blamed for the way my eyes burned at the sight of my parents standing next to Pete and the King at the gates to Castle Lockes, the word of our homecoming having spread as soon as we entered the City gates.

“Sam?” Rosemary Haversford said. “Sam?”

And then she was running toward me, dark hair trailing behind her, dress billowing, shoes smacking against the cobblestone. My breath hitched in my chest at her bright smile, the way her wet eyes shone.

She was upon me before I could take another step, her arms wrapped around my shoulders, her head tucked just underneath my chin. I sagged against her as she laughed. “My boy,” she whispered. “My son. Sam. Oh, Sam. You’ve come home.”

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.