“What the hell was that?” he demanded. “Your eyes were—”

“The Great White,” I panted. “It’s coming.”

“I don’t see it,” Kevin said, sounding worried. “If it’s as big as you said it was, shouldn’t we be able to see it?”

The ground began to shift beneath our feet as it was cracked apart by a great roar.

“Well that just fucks up my day,” Gary said as we all looked down in horror. “Like, really fucks up my day.”

“Oh shit,” I breathed.

“He’s coming,” Dimitri singsonged, and I was convinced that I would never hate anything more than I hated Dimitri at that very moment.

“Tiggy!” I snapped as I pushed myself up. “Princely sack of potatoes!”

Tiggy moved without question, taking three lumbering steps before reaching out and grabbing Justin, throwing the Prince over his shoulder. Justin squawked in anger as Tiggy turned back toward me.

Trees began to fall in the forest as I turned toward Ryan. “Babe,” I said, “you gotta ride my best friend.”

His eyes bulged. “Now is hardly the time for that, Sam. Or ever! What the hell are you even—”

“Gary,” I said quickly, “remember that time you allowed Ryan on your back because you were riding in all badass to save me at Kevin’s keep?”

“I did look amazing, didn’t I?” Gary said, stumbling forward as the ground split along the edges of the clearing. “Granted, I only allowed it because you were in danger. Everyone knows that’s normally racist as all hell to allow—”

“Gary, I have something to tell you.”

“Yes, Sam?”

“It’s not racist.”

“What? Of course it is.”

“Do we really have time to be talking about this now?” Ryan snapped.

“Do you trust me?” I asked Gary.

“Yes,” Gary said immediately.

“I need you to let Ryan ride you.”

His eyes narrowed. “Are you propositioning me? Because that’s not—”

“Why does everyone think that?” I growled. “No. I’m not propositioning you. I need you to get him the hell out of here. You and Tiggy don’t stop running until you can’t run anymore. Do you hear me? You run.”


“Please,” I begged him. “You have to go.”

“What about me?” Kevin asked.

“You’re with me,” I said, looking up at him. “It may be big, but you’re gonna be faster. And if we take this to the sky, then we’ll have a chance. I need you to help me, Kevin. Can you do that?”

Kevin nodded without hesitating.

“What the hell are you planning?” Ryan growled at me, grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me a little. My scars felt like they were on fire. “You’re going to do something stupid, aren’t you?”

“Hey! I resent that. I never do anything stupid.”