“I’m sure. It’s always devastating to find out a hobby you’ve devoted so much time to brings sadness to others. Well, I assume it’s devastating because I’ve never actually experienced that. I’m good at all my hobbies.”

“GWAAAAHH!” Tiggy shouted, ripping the painting off the wall and smashing that one too.

“I think this scene has gotten out of hand,” I said.

“A little,” Gary admitted. “But it was pretty good, if I do say so myself. Also, I should probably move away from the fire, because I think my ass is burning.”

“Hug now?” Tiggy asked, picking pieces of the painting out of his hair.

“Hug now,” Gary said.

And no one said anything as I ran toward them, Tiggy catching both of us as we crashed into him, his big arms holding us close.

“I’m sorry,” I muttered to them.

“We know,” Gary said gently, pressing his snout against the side of my head. “It’s scary. But no one should have to carry that burden alone, Sam. Especially you. Not when you have us.”

“No more secrets,” Tiggy said. “Okay?”

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. Even though everything was shitty right now, even though Ryan wasn’t exactly talking to me, and even though so many things were up in the air, I had these two, and I thought maybe I always would.

“I missed you guys,” I finally said.

“We missed you too,” Gary said, giving me a wet, sucking kiss on my ear as Tiggy’s big hand rubbed up and down my back. “Adventuring isn’t the same when you’re not there. Did you know that Justin is a whiny little bitch? In case you didn’t know that, he is.”

“Ryan doesn’t seem to think so,” I mumbled. “They’re all buddy-buddy now.”

“Ew,” Gary said. “Your jealousy is stinking up the room. That’s gross. Also, Ryan doesn’t love Justin like that. He loves you.”

“He’s mad at me right now.”

“Well yeah. Of course he is. I’m mad at you right now.”

“You’re also nibbling on my hair.”

“I can multitask. The point is, Sam, you had to have seen this coming.”

I shrugged, burying my face in Tiggy’s chest.

“Well, no matter. Ryan will get over it, then you’ll go back to being really all in love, and the rest of us will be disgusted with the both of you, and it will be normal again.”

“We’re not normal.”

“I like us,” Tiggy said, squeezing us tightly.

“I like us too,” Gary said. “But before we forgive Sam completely, I need to ask if there is anything else you’re keeping from us.”

“No. That was pretty much it.”

“Hmm,” Gary said. “Okay, I believe you. We’re all best friends again! Tiggy! Hug us harder!”

My bones creaked at the strength of him. I’d never felt anything so good.

THEY OFFERED to come with me to see the feathered dragons, but I waved them off, telling them it was best if they got some rest. I didn’t know what the next day would bring, and they’d been on the road for weeks. Tiggy was already snoring by the time I closed the door behind me and made my way out of the castle.

I didn’t see Ryan, but then I didn’t think I would. He was probably holed up in Justin’s room. I tried not to think about that part.

The light was beginning to fail as I exited the castle. It had been the longest day in recent memory. My body was sore, and I felt grimy and dirty. I wanted nothing more than to curl up in my bed and hide from the world, but I had a job to do.