I fidgeted on the bed. “But you’ll get over that, right?”

He stared at me.

I squirmed.

He stared some more.

I tried to smile, but I think I just looked constipated.

He broke first. “Did you ever stop to think that Vadoma showed you what she wanted you to see? That she manipulated the visions in her favor?”

“Of course I did! Well. Sort of.”

“You sort of thought she was playing you?”

“The thought crossed my mind. But why would she? It doesn’t make any sense!”

He threw up his hands. “Are you being serious right now? Sam, she suddenly marched into Castle Lockes out of nowhere, saying that Ruv was your true cornerstone. She showed you a future by bad-touching you and blowing magic dust in your face—”

“Wow, when you put it like that, it sounds a lot worse than it actually was.”

“—and you sort of thought that she wasn’t on the level?”

“I see your point,” I said magnanimously. “Well played, Knight Delicious Face.”

“Be serious for one godsdamn second!”

“I’ll let that one pass since we’re in a heated argument. But why would she do all of this?”

“I can’t believe you’re supposed to be the smart one.” He shook his head.


“Sam.” He took another step toward me. “She wants you under her thumb. She brings you

Ruv. He’s the Wolf of Bari Lavuta. Her second. She has his ear. He would have had you. Ergo, she would have had you.”

“That’s… convoluted. But how could she have known that Ruv could have been my cornerstone? It’s not like it’s something that can be tested by other people.”

“I don’t know,” he said. “But isn’t it more believable that she wants to twist things in her favor? Sam, I’m not going anywhere.”

“You can’t promise that,” I said. “No one can. And you forget that the star dragon already told me that there would be a sacrifice.”

“Gods don’t know everything, Sam.”

“Uh, yeah they do. They’re gods. It’s kind of their deal.”

“Then we’ll defy them. Just as you said. We will defy the gods.”

Oh, that magnificent bastard. “Well played,” I breathed. “Holy shit, that was almost diabolical! How did you do that?”

He looked rather pleased with himself. “I’ve learned from the best.”

“Why, thank you—”

“I was talking about Gary.”

“Oh. Fuck you, then.”