“What? No! Oh, crap. I just lied again. Yes. That’s exactly what I thought.”

“Oh, honey, I am about to destroy every good feeling you’ve ever—”

“Didn’t you think I had the right to know?” Ryan asked, and the room fell silent.

I sighed. “It’s not about rights. I mean, what rights do we even have in all of this? It’s not as if I have rights to—”

“Stop it,” he barked harshly, taking a step forward.


“No,” he said. “You aren’t going to talk your way out of this one. You wield words like I wield my sword, and I’ve had enough.”

I stiffened at that, trying to ignore the bright flare of anger.

“Give us the room, please,” Ryan said without looking away from me.

Gary and Tiggy hesitated, glancing back and forth between us. In the end, though, they didn’t say another word before they turned and walked out the door, Tiggy hunching over so he didn’t hit his head.

Justin made to follow, but not before he stopped behind Ryan and put his hand on his shoulder again. I watched his fingers squeeze down on Ryan, like the Prince was trying to offer him comfort. I really needed to have a word with my best friend 5eva about getting his filthy fucking hands off my man.

“You sure about this?” Justin asked him.

Ryan turned his head toward Justin, and his face softened slightly. “Yes.”

Justin nodded and looked as if he was going to say more. But then he shook his head and left

the room, closing the door behind him.

This wasn’t the reunion I had in mind.

But what did I think was really going to happen? It was always going to come out at some point. I just thought I was going to be able to control it better.

My shoulder twinged again, and I must have shown it on my face, because Ryan said, “It hurts?”

“Nothing I can’t handle,” I mumbled, trying to fix the sling that was sliding off my shoulder.

Ryan was there before I could finish, pushing my hand away none too gently, fixing the sling for me. His knees bumped against mine, and I spread my legs just a little, hoping he would step closer so I could put my head on his stomach and just lie there for a little while. He didn’t. In fact, when he finished, he stepped away again. It hurt more than I would have expected.

“You had no right,” he said finally, after what felt like ages. “Especially those things that had to do with me. You had no right to keep that from me.”

“I just wanted to keep you safe. I thought if I could figure it out on my own, you wouldn’t have to worry about yet another thing too.”

He scoffed. “Of course you can spin the narrative like that. It makes you out to be the selfless one here.”

“What other reason would there be?” I snapped at him.

“You didn’t trust me enough to tell me the truth.”

I gaped at him. “Trust you enough? I trust you more than anyone.”

“Just not enough to tell me this.”

“This being the fact that Vadoma showed me your death?” I said, trying desperately to control my anger but failing miserably. “Or the fact that it was substantiated by the star dragon? Forgive me if you dying isn’t something I want to talk about.”

“Everything dies, Sam,” he growled at me. “I’m not afraid of death. I am a knight of Verania, the commander of the Castle Guard. I swore an oath to the King. I would protect him with my life. I do not fear it.”

“That’s good,” I said, annoyed at the way my eyes burned. “I’m glad you’re so quick to die. It’s nice to know you have no qualms about it.”