“Yes!” I cried. “Oh my gods, yes! I knew they would be—” Then, “Wait. What.”

“Pat and Leslie,” Ryan said as he bowed. “I am Ryan Foxheart, Knight Commander to the Good King Anthony of Verania. I am also the cornerstone to the apprentice of Morgan of Shadows, Sam of Wilds. I am joined by Grand Prince Justin of Verania.”

“No, seriously,” I said. “What are their names?”

“Pat and Leslie,” Kevin said. “How exotic.”

“I know I’ve never heard of such names before,” Gary said, sounding impressed. “How unique.”

“Are you guys for real right now?” I demanded. “Does no one see the problem here but me?”

“Your wizard acts as if he is in pain,” Pat said to Ryan. “I can help him.”

“I have your word that no harm will come to him?” Ryan asked, and I couldn’t be faulted for almost swooning at him sounding so regal. I actually might have swooned if I hadn’t been so incensed at learning about Pat and Leslie, for fuck’s sake. And because of my dislocated shoulder.

“You have my word, Knight Commander,” Pat said. “He has passed his test.”

“Pat and Leslie,” I said miserably.

“Yes, dear,” Leslie said, peering over at me. “Sorry about all the hullabaloo. It was really rather barbaric, but Pat did have a point that we would need to test your mettle.”

I sighed, giving in to the inevitable. “Whatever. I don’t even care right now. My dreams of knowing a cool dragon have been decimated. There’s four of you now, and the coolest one is a fourteen-year-old emo kid. I can’t even with all of this.”

“Oh boy,” Gary said. “Someone sounds like they need a nap.”

That actually sounded amazing.

“Or a good fucking,” Kevin said.

That sounded amazing too.

Tiggy looked uncertain. “Set you down now?”

“Yeah, big guy. You can set me down now.”

“You sad?”

“Just disappointed that no one here is named Queen Mystic Feathe

r of the Snowy Mountains. I’ll get over it. Eventually. Probably.”

Tiggy looked over at Pat and Leslie. “You no hurt Sam. He is my Sam. I love him. Tiggy smash if you hurt him.”

The severe look on Pat’s face softened when she looked at Tiggy. “You have my word, giant. No harm will come to the wizard.”

“Apprentice,” Gary sneezed. “Gosh, I must be allergic to all this snow. I don’t even know what’s come over me today. Excuse me.”

“Okay, Sam?” Tiggy asked.

“Okay,” I agreed.

He set me down gently, my boots sinking into the snow. He brought a big finger up and rubbed it along the top of my head. I leaned into it, thankful that after everything, my friends were alive and well and we were together again. Even if apparently all the dragons of Verania had no idea what it meant to have an epic dragon name, at least I had my family back at my side again.

Tiggy took a step back by Gary, who leaned forward and pressed his nose against my forehead. “Hey.”


“I like you still, in case you were wondering.”