“We don’t know.”

“No, Sam,” Tiggy said. “You hurt. Fix you first.”

That was something I wasn’t looking forward to. I’d seen how dislocated shoulders were fixed. It looked like the worst thing in the world. “Maybe we could just—”

“Set him down,” the larger dragon said. “I wish to speak to the boy wizard.”

“Apprentice,” Gary coughed, because he obviously was a dick.

“Uh,” I said. “No offense, but lady-dude, you were just all fang and rawr not five minutes ago. Forgive me for being a bit skeptical at your intentions. I’d rather keep my arm, thanks.”

She just stared intently at Randall. It took a moment, but then Randall sighed. “Sam, she’s not going to hurt you.”

“You know what? I’d really rather not take the chance.”

“You know what we discussed?”

“We discussed many things, Randall. Maybe be a bit more specific.”

“You told me what Zero was capable of. His forest. The trees and the flowers. How he grew them.”

“Yeah. So?”

“It is specific to him.”

“I figured.”

“Haven’t you wondered what the other dragons can do?”

“My power is being a sex machine,” Kevin said proudly.

“I don’t think that’s quite it,” I told him.

“Probably is.”

“I really don’t think—”

“It sounds about right to me,” Gary said.

“You know what?” I said, shaking my head. “I’m not even going to get involved in this right now. Also, we will be discussing how you two are apparently back together again.”

“Trial reconciliation,” Gary said. “We are not back together.”

“That’s not what you were saying a few nights ago when you were all up on my junk,” Kevin muttered.

“And how did you even do that?” I asked. “Kevin couldn’t even talk.”

“You don’t need words when you have the language of the body,” Kevin said, leering at me.

“Oh, gross,” I said as I gagged.

“It really was,” Justin muttered. “Did you know Gary makes rainbows when he—”

“And it’s not as if I needed words,” Gary said. “I’d know his growls and facial expressions anywhere.”

“You are my everything,” Kevin said reverently.

“As I should be.”