“Right now?” he asked, looking over his shoulder.

We stood on a winding path that was barely the width of my shoulders. On the left was a sheer rock face that rose into the clouds. On my right was a drop that went directly down the side of the mountain. “Okay,” I said, backtracking a little. “Maybe not right now, but when we get to a place I don’t feel like vomiting at the sight of, you come at me, bro. Bring it.”

“I doubt you would like what I would bring.” He turned back around and continued forward.

“You’re enjoying this far too much,” I grumbled. “Should have gone with the damn hug. At least that way, I could have—”

Wizard wizard wizardwizardWIZARD

I stumbled, pitching to the right, head spinning as I was assaulted by the sheer pull of it, and I was falling—

A hand clasped tightly around my bicep, jerking me back. I hit the rock face, breathing heavily. That was too close.

“What the hell are you doing?” Randall demanded.

“Felt them,” I gasped, staring wide-eyed at the expanse of nothing before me. “In my head. They’re calling me.”

His eyes narrowed as he looked up. “We’re close. It would be prudent if you watched your step from this point forward.”

“Yeah, good idea. Watching my step. Watching all my steps. You don’t even know how many of my steps I’m going to watch.”

“All of them?”

I smiled weakly. “Maybe next time, wait until we’re not scaling the side of a mountain to develop a sense of humor.”

We continued upward, the path steep and narrowing even further. I could feel them at the back of my mind, tugging me forward. I gritted my teeth together to keep as much control as I could, but it was a difficult battle. It hadn’t been like this with Zero. I didn’t know if it was because there were two of them, or if it was because they were mated, but it hadn’t been like this in the desert. I just needed to get to them, let them see that I was a twink, and then the lesbian dragons and I would be best friends forever and that would be that.

However, when one decides on using the idea of being a twink as the main focal point of a plan, one should expect the plan to go awry. When seen from the outside, it should be plainly obvious. From the outside, one would never agree that being a twink is the best and only way to tame lesbian dragons.

But seeing as how I was on the side of a mountain, out of breath, trailing a man named Randall of Dragons, for fuck’s sake, I wasn’t necessarily thinking things through.

Which, of course, sums up most of my plans.

So when we crested a sharp hill and came to a gigantic flat surface, I was sure of myself.

Mostly sure.

Fifty percent.

Let’s try that again.

So when we crested a sharp hill and came to a gigantic flat surface, I was partially sure of myself. But it was a good partially sure.

At least until I saw the large opening carved into the side of the mountain.

“Please tell me we don’t have to go inside the dark, scary cave.”

“We have to go inside the dark, scary cave,” Randall said, barely containing his glee.

“I hate you so much right now. You don’t even know.”

“You’ll never know how much that pains me.”

“Ugh. Stop having a mouth full of sass. Let’s just get this over with.”

I tried to take a step forward, but he put an arm against my chest to stop me.

“What are you doing?” I asked, annoyed.