He laughed dryly. “Even after everything?”

“Even after everything.”

“You’re a good man, Sam. I know that I—I know that I don’t say it often. Or ever. But I am proud of you and the man you’ve become.”

I grinned at him. “Should we hug?”

He glared at me. “I will tell you the name if you don’t.”

“Oh my gods,” I said. “That is the hardest choice ever.”

“That’s just sad.”

“I mean, your wizarding name is probably something amazing. But everyone knows that hugs are just as amazing. If not more. Argh. Curse you, Randall! How dare you put me in such a position!”

“You have two seconds to decide.”

“What! So unfair!”

“One second.”

“Gaaah, okay, okay. The name. Give me the name.”

“Done, but for one thing.”

“Caveat. Of course there’s a caveat. There’s no caveats in hugs. Should have chosen that. Wicked lame, dude. You suck.”

“You can’t ask anything more about it.”

I arched an eyebrow. “About the name? Uh. Okay. That’s… I don’t know what that is. But this is the path I chose, so lay it on me.”


sp; He stood, knees popping, standing taller than I’d ever seen him before. I felt the magic curling around our little alcove, and it was bright and sharp. I was in awe at the strength of it.

He looked down at me and said, “When I was an apprentice, I was Randall the Golden Leaf. When I passed the Trials, I became Randall of Dragons. Come now. We have rested long enough.”

Then he disappeared out into the snow, leaving me gaping after him.


“You can’t just—”


“But you have to—”


“But what about—”


“Oh my fucking gods,” I groused. “You are the worst. You are the absolute fucking worst. I can’t even with you right now.”

“Good. Maybe you’ll shut up for a little while, then.”

“Oh really, Randall of Dragons? You want me to shut up? Please, come at me, bro. Let’s do this right now!”