“Don’t let my parents hear you say that. They always wanted to be grandparents.” My eyes widened as I looked over at him. “Uh. I totally didn’t mean to say anything like—”

“Children,” he said faintly. “You just said we should have children.?


“I said nothing of the sort. My gods, we’re not even married. I will not have little bastard children out of wedlock. Why are you making me talk about this!”

“Sam,” he said, taking my hand again. “Do you want to get married?”

I gaped at him. “Are you out of your damn mind? You’re proposing to me now?”

“What! No! I’m not proposing. Oh my gods, I was asking.”

“Yeah! Asking me to marry you! You couldn’t even do that in real life? We’re in the middle of a shared dream, you gigantic dickbag!”

“Why are we yelling at each other in the middle of a forest!”

“I don’t—”

It started snowing.

“That can’t possibly be good,” I said, squeezing Ryan’s hand.

“What?” he asked. “It’s just—”

We see you, wizard


Ryan turned to look at me slowly. “What? What’s uh-oh? Sam, who the hell is saying that?”

The snow fell heavier. The wind started to pick up.

“I think we should probably run.”

“What? Why do we have to—”

A harsh roar echoed out into the woods around us.

Followed quickly by a second.

“Oh,” Ryan said weakly. “That’s a good reason.”

We ran. Hand in hand, we ran. The wind whipped around us, the snow falling now a full-fledged storm. There was the crash of trees coming from behind us as if something large was barreling through the forest, uprooting them and knocking them aside. The ground shook beneath our feet, and for a moment, I thought it would split in half. Even though I knew we were dreaming, it still felt real. Like we could die just as easily here as we could in the real world.

I wondered if this had to do with the mountain dragons. If this was their doing.

Wizard, they sang out behind me. We see you

We’re coming for you

And we see him too

“That doesn’t sound good!” Ryan shouted at me over the storm.

“No fucking shit it doesn’t sound good!”

“What are we going to do?”