“No. That… that was it. The one time.”

“And the earth. The grass, the trees. The Dark Woods. That spot. Have you been back there since?”

I hesitated, considering lying about that. But I’d come this far already. Might as well go all-in. “Yes.”


“And it looks the same.”

“Meaning the forest has regrown or it’s still black?”


“Do you know why?”

I shrugged nervously. “Maybe? I get why more than the how.”

“We’ll get to that. Tell me why.”

“I took life to give life. Once taken, it can’t be given back unless I take from something else.”

“And had there been someone with you, what do you think would have happened?”

“I don’t… know?”

He sighed. “It’s resurrection.”


“What you did. Like the consumption of magic, it is… theory. Nothing more. Many have tried, at the cost of their lives or the lives of others. None have succeeded.”

“Until me.”

“Until you,” he agreed. “Always you. Do you know what death is, Sam?”

“Is that a trick question?”


“It’s the end.”

“Is it? You don’t believe in something after death?”

“Honestly? I’ve… never really thought about it.”

That made him smile, and it was startling to see. “Ah, youth. How I remember being the same. Death is a cleansing. It breaks you free of the shackles of life and all its burdens.”

“You’ve been shackled a long time.” Then, “That came out wrong. I’m—”

He waved my apology away. “It’s true. I have.”

“Why?” I asked, feeling brave. “You’ve done things more remarkable than any other wizard in existence. The things you must have seen. Everything you’ve been through. Why do you…”

“Persist?” he asked, arching an eyebrow at me.

“Uh. Sure.”

“Because I have to. Because I’m not done with what I’ve set out to do. I am not yet able to be free of my shackles. Why do you think that is?”