Kevin was revered as he always was, regaling the crowd around him with stories that were expectedly untrue, not that anyone else knew.

Gary and Tiggy were given the same welcome I was. Tiggy was pleased, and Gary acted like he was too, but I could see the tightness around his eyes, the calculating look on his face when he thought no one was looking. He didn’t trust them in the slightest. After a while, I saw Gary lean over and whisper something into Tiggy’s ear that caused him to frown at the people around him, not that they noticed.

Ryan was ignored as if he didn’t exist. He was amused by it.

“You just think it’s funny because you’re the other woman,” I accused him as yet another new adoring fan of mine skipped away after not having even acknowledged Ryan sitting next to me.

“Wow,” he said. “That’s the first time I’ve ever been accused of that.”

I scowled at him. “If the high heel fits, you interloper.”

“Not one of my kinks,” he said easily. “Though I won’t tell you no if you want to try it.”

“That’s not… what are you even… holy gods, really? I mean, I don’t think I would like that, but what do I know? If you’d told me a few years ago I’d get off on fucking your mouth and coming on your face while I pulled your hair, I would have—scratch that. I would have believed that in a heartbeat. Holy shit, that’s super fucking hot. You know it’s—heeey, little girl who has apparently been standing in front of me long enough to hear me say something no little girl should ever have to hear. You look… pretty.”

The little girl burst into tears and ran in the opposite direction.

“Don’t do drugs!” I called after her. Ryan was laughing hysterically beside me, hunched over, arms wrapped around himself. It pissed me off, but it also made my heart thump a bit in my chest that, after all the crap we’d been through, he could still laugh so freely and openly. It really was beautiful to see and hear. I also wanted to fuck him stupid right about now.

“Oh,” he said, still chuckling. “You’ve got that look on your face.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I said as I drooled a little bit. I wiped my mouth, feeling absolutely no shame. “So, come here often?”

He rolled his eyes. “Not really.”

“Would you like to?” I waggled my eyebrows at him.

His smile softened. “You’re ridiculous.”

“It is part of my charm,” I agreed. “Now, what say you and I get out of here and maybe I’ll fuck your orifices a little bit.”

“With an offer like that, I don’t know how I can refuse.”

“You seemed like a sure bet,” I said, leaning in to kiss him. My skin felt hot, and I wanted to grab hold of him and never let go.

“Smooth talker,” he said, and I could feel his breath on my face.

“I’m gonna do so many things to you in like three minutes,” I growled and closed the distance to—

“Sorry to interrupt.”

I groaned as I missed Ryan’s lips and ended up sucking on his nose a little bit. Not the smoothest I’d ever been, but it was all Ruv’s fault for even coming over to us when we were obviously about to bone.

Ryan grimaced as he pushed me off him, wiping his face. “That was unpleasant.”

“It wasn’t my fault,” I said, looking up to glare at Ruv. He stood a little distance away, hands clasped behind him, looking amused. “Someone doesn’t know what it means when I’m giving off my I’m about to get laid vibes. Not cool, dude. You fucking cock blocker.”

“My apologies,” he said, though he didn’t sound sorry at all. “I was hoping to have a word with you before you became… otherwise engaged.”

“That means the sex,” I whispered to Ryan.

“I know what it means,” he said, shoving my face away. “You dork.”

“Just making sure. Sometimes, things get lost in translation.”

“You’re not translating anything.”

I shrugged. “Same difference. Wait, what were we talking about now? Because my erection is getting really uncomfortable.”