The star dragon chuckled. “How you could think they would love you any less, I will never understand. Your heart is an astonishing thing, Sam of Wilds. I’ve never heard one beat quite like it. They will love you as they always have. They have made their choices. They have chosen their paths, like you have. There might be regret, but not the way you think. It was always going to end this way.”

“Why?” I asked, suddenly angry. “Why, if you knew about this, if the gods knew this was inevitable, why would you stand by and do nothing? Why would you let this happen? Why wouldn’t you stop it?” I knew I was probably foolish, yelling at a god while made of stars in some fucked-up hallucination, but I had no fucks left to give. Turning into a constellation after having a heart to heart with a snake dragon could do that to you.

“Because we do not interfere,” the star dragon said.

“Bullshit. You interfere all the time. You interfered with Vadoma. With Zero. With Kevin, and with me right now.”

The star dragon looked chagrined. “I still have secrets.”

“Do you know how this will end?”

The briefest of hesitations. “It could go either way.”

“Fuck you sideways, you vague asshole.”

“I like you,” the star dragon said. “I always have.”

“Are you telling him the same thing? Playing both sides?”

“No. Can I tell you something I’ve never told anyone?”

“Can I say no?”

“You can do anything you want.”

I sighed. “Fine. Tell me.”

“I hope it’s you,” he said. “I hope it’s you who overcomes. I’m not supposed to choose sides, but I would choose you, Sam. I have seen you, more than you could possibly know. The life you’ve led. The decisions you’ve made. It hurts me, sometimes, knowing what I do. And because of that, I offer you this: the road to triumph is littered with sorrow. It is the way of things. For there to be success, sacrifices have to be made.”

I went cold, remembering Ryan upon a slab, eyes closed, sword clasped against his chest. “What do you mean?”

“A warning. All of you will not survive until the end. There will be loss, Sam. And it will burn like nothing has ever burned before. You must remember to keep to the light, even when the dark begins to curl around your feet.”

“She showed me,” I said hoarsely. “Vadoma. About Ryan. I won’t let it happen. I won’t let anyone take him from me.”

“Open your eyes, Sam,” the star dragon said.

“They are open.”

“Sam! Open your eyes!”

“What the hell are you talking about. I’m right here—”

The stars exploded.


“Move, you dippy little cunts! You obviously don’t know how to wake an unconscious Sam. You have to slap the shit out of him. And there is no one who does a better bitch-slap than a unicorn. This is proven science.”

“I didn’t do it!” another voice cried. “Or if I did, I didn’t mean it! One moment we were talking, and then there was magic and lights and decisions. I don’t even know!”

“You are not going to slap him. Do you know how hard your hooves are? I’m not going to let you hurt him.”

“I know how hard his hooves are, ba-zing.”

“Kevin, now is not the time to discuss the firmness of my hooves, you disgusting cretin. And now that I think about it, you don’t get to talk about my hardness ever again.”

“Oh, like that’s a hardship. Ha. Get it? Hardship.”