I stopped but didn’t turn around. I couldn’t. Not now. Not after everything. I felt Morgan’s gaze on me, and as much as I wanted to go to him, to have him make everything better, to take all of this away, I couldn’t. I didn’t know what I was feeling toward him right then, but it wasn’t anything charitable.

“Sam,” he said quietly. “What are you going to do?”

When I spoke, my voice was strong, more so than I expected it to be. “I’ve got a douchebag monologuing villain whose ass I need to kick, a kingdom to save, and a godsdamned destiny of dragons to face. You can sure as shit bet I’m going to do everything I have to.”

I didn’t look back as I left the interrogation room. Tiggy, Gary, and Ryan followed me without hesitation.

Randall and Morgan did not.

II: The Desert Dragon

Chapter 12: The Will of the Gods

THE SUN blazed above as the shadows of five travelers stretched along the worn path between mountainous red sand dunes that rose around them. The wind was fierce and unforgiving, blowing particles of sand that would scrape against any exposed skin. The land was desolate, no plant life able to withstand the extreme conditions. It was—

“Holy fuck,” Gary groaned loudly. “It’s hot as motherfucking balls.”

That was more succinct than my internal narration. Because it was as hot as motherfucking balls. And when one is as hot as motherfucking balls, one tends to be uncomfortable and grouchy. “You didn’t need to come along,” I reminded him. “In fact, I told you that you didn’t. You insisted. I believe the wording you used was Sam, don’t be a dippy cunt. Of course I’m coming with you. You need me.”

“Why was your voice all high and whiny?” Gary asked. “I don’t sound anything like that.”

“Some,” Tiggy said, trudging forward, leaving large footprints in the sand behind him. He was barefoot, and I’d thought the sand would be too hot for his feet, but it hadn’t bothered him at all, the lucky bastard. I wished I could be a half-giant.

“Some?” Gary asked. “Tiggy, say it isn’t so.”

“Okay,” Tiggy said. “But I don’t lie.”

“Insolence,” Gary said. “You should carry me.”

“Your tummy sweats,” Tiggy said with a grimace. “That’s gross.”

“You’re gross,” Gary muttered.

“Sam,” Kevin rumbled above us, wings spread to try and block the worst of the sand and wind. “Would you please tell Gary that his stomach does sweat, and while I don’t find it disgusting, some other people might, and therefore he shouldn’t try forcing others to do what he wants?”

“I’m not going to do—”

“And Sam,” Gary said. “Would you please tell Kevin that not everyone wants to hear him talk with his mouth and his words, and therefore he should shut up?”

“Yeah, I don’t think I—”

“Or,” Kevin said, “you could tell Gary that maybe he should just calm the fuck down because some of us are sick of his shit?”

“I don’t know why you put me—”

“You tell Kevin that he wasn’t even invited on this adventure,” Gary hissed.

“Invited?” Kevin snapped. “Uh, excuse me, sweetheart. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but this whole adventure is about me. I’m someone’s destiny, after all. You know what your destiny is? Never getting to have a piece of this fine ass ever again. So suck it.”

“Oh nooo,” Gary mocked. “Whatever shall I do? How will I possibly survive not getting something that I’ve already had a million times over like everyone else in Verania.”

“Hey! I have a sexually adventurous spirit! You know I am a lover of many, many things. You liked it before you decided to put your head up your ass!”

“People grow up,” Gary said loftily. “Things they wanted when they were far, far younger don’t satisfy them like they used to. I am today’s mature and modern unicorn. I don’t take your shit for anything. My body, my rights. You don’t own any of this.”

And this had been going on since we’d left the castle.

Three weeks ago.