“Yes, my King.”

“And this isn’t something you felt you should have made known to me?” Morgan asked. “I could have vetted him further had you but asked.”

“Really?” I asked. “You’re gonna lecture him on secrets? You, of all people. Right now.”

“Oh snap,” Tiggy said.

Morgan flinched. Barely, but it was still there. “I didn’t know it was him, Sam. Not with you then. Though I suppose it does make a bit of sense. And whatever machinations you think me capable of, I assure you you’re wrong. Every decision I have made regarding you has been in your best interest.”

“Would you have told me?” I asked bitterly. “If your hand hadn’t been forced?”

“I had hoped I wouldn’t have to. It was my wish that you live your life free of the chains of destiny. If I had any say in it, you would be safely tucked away where nothing could ever touch you.” He rubbed a hand over his face. “All I ever wanted for you was for your happiness. It’s what a mentor does. We teach you all that we can in hopes that it will be enough.”

I understood what he was saying. But it wasn’t enough. “Did you know?” I asked the King.

“No, Sam,” he said softly. “I didn’t. But even if I had, I would have trusted Morgan to know what he was doing. He has been around far longer than you or I. And he has always loved you as if you were his own. If he kept things away from you, it was because he thought he was doing the right thing.”

“I don’t know about that,” Vadoma said. “Because it seems as if he has gone against what we discussed. Dilo. Never trust a wizard to do a woman’s job. For all you know, he was trying to keep you to himself.”

Morgan’s eyes flashed. “Now see here, lady of the desert. You think yourself immune as a visiting dignitary. I assure you that’s not the case.”

She chuckled dryly. “Bakla. Liar. You have withheld long-hidden truths from the chava. You think he’ll trust you now?”

“Regardless of what he did or didn’t do,” I said, “the fact remains I know him. I don’t know you. Why should I trust anything you say?”

“Blood,” she said.

I snorted. “Lady, look around you. The majority of the people here aren’t related to me, but this is still my family. And I don’t care just how thick the blood may be. If I think you’re going to touch one hair on their heads, I will do everything I can to stop you. And as it turns out, I can do quite a lot.”

Her eyes narrowed. “The knight. Do you care for him?”

“Yes.” More than she could ever know.

“Do you treasure him?”


“Would you lay down your life for him?”


“Would you let him go if it was for the greater good?”

“Yes” was out before I could stop it. And even though it burned, I meant it. There was nothing that I wouldn’t do for Ryan Foxheart.

“Good,” she said, and a chill arced down my spine, because the look on her face was akin to victory. “Because you are being called upon for something greater than yourself. I have seen what you carry inside of you, Sam of Wilds. The lightning-struck heart that beats within your chest. I have known about you long before you were even a thought. I knew the day you were born, though my daughter was far from me by her own choice. I’ve seen what it is you’ll become without the guidance I offer. There is a darkness rising in the corners of Verania, and it calls for you. You must not answer, no matter what it says.” She clapped her hands once. It was a sharp crack that echoed in the throne room. “Ruv.”

The Wolf of Bari Lavuta stepped forward and bowed again, eyes on me.

“I bring to you my Wolf,” Vadoma Tshilaba said. “For he is the one thing the Knight Commander cannot be for you. Which is why, though difficult it may be, you must let Ryan Foxheart go. And you must do it now while we still have time.”

“Really?” Ryan said, taking a step forward, shoulders tensed, angrier than I’d seen him in a long time. “And why should he do anything you say?”

“Because, chava,” my grandmother said, not unkindly. “The Wolf is Sam’s cornerstone.”

“Ohhhhh dayyyum,” Gary hissed. “To find out what happens after this stunning revelation, tune in next week on… Castle Lockes. Annnnnd… we’re clear. Okay, what the fuck did that bitch just say?”

I didn’t really remember much after that.