She sighed and nodded against my chest. I held on for a moment longer before pulling away. She had steel in her eyes when she looked back up at me. “She’s good,” she said. “She’s a good phuro. A firm hand when she needs to be, the softest of touches when she doesn’t. But that was long ago. I do not know who she is now or why she’s come here. She is my mamia, but you are my son. I don’t know what she wants, but if it’s not something you’re willing to give, then don’t. Do you understand?”

I nodded, unsure of what else to say.

She gave a small smile. “I know you do.”

I kissed her forehead and took my place next to Morgan on the right side of the King, Ryan on my other side, with Gary and Tiggy a step or two down the raised dais where the throne sat.

“Sam,” Gary hissed up at me. “Sam.”



“Hi, Gary.”

“I’ve decided on my pose when I meet the queen of the gypsies.”

“That’s nice, Gary.”

“Yeah. Just thought you should know.”

“Kind of serious here, Gary.”

“Is it? Is that why you all look so dour?”

“Probably, Gary. Family business and all that.”

“Ah. That’s a good reason.”


“Why are you still talking to me, Sam? This is serious. I can’t believe that you’d—”

And that’s when the window near the dais burst open and a dragon stuck his head inside.

“My love!” Kevin cried. “You are safe because I have saved you!”

“It’s like it never ends,” Justin muttered, sinking down in his seat.

“This is how you know you’re having fun,” the King said, patting his hand.

“Saved me from what?” Gary asked, prancing over to Kevin, tail swishing back and forth.

“And he calls me a slut,” I said to Ryan. “Look at him. Tail all up in the air like he wants everyone to see his business.”

“There are things I can’t unsee when you say them aloud,” Ryan said with a grimace. “Why would you do that to me?”

“The most ferocious of creatures,” Kevin said, preening under the attention. “They snapped and they snarled. They had wings and teeth the size of my face! They came here with the sole intention of stealing my loves away from me, but I rose against them in battle with a mighty roar. They squeaked when they saw just how big my… wingspan was.” He scrunched up his face and raised his voice, in approximation of exactly what, I had no idea. “Oh no! It is the fearsome Beast from the East! We didn’t know he was here! Retreat, retreat!” His voice lowered to his usual grumble. “But did I allow them to flee? Of course not. I said, ‘You came here to steal the most magnificent of creatures who climbs upon my junk and take said creature away from me? How dare you.’ And then I said, ?

??You have made a mistake this day, one that will echo into eternity.’”

“Oh my gods,” Gary said. “I’m swooning. Sam. Sam, are you hearing this?”

“I don’t know if that’s exactly what happened,” I said slowly.

Gary snapped his head toward me and glared. “Shut up. Just because my man went out and took on an entire army of evil while yours just stood there posing with his sword—”

“Hey! I don’t pose—”