“You have been! Oh man, I can’t wait to tell—”

“You breathe a word about this and I swear to the gods, I’ll curse your dick off.”

“—absolutely no one because it’s not their business and I don’t even know what we’re talking about,” Kevin finished. “Zero, it’s been fun. It’s always good to meet another dragon for the first time in my life. Stay real, little bro.”

He scampered off toward the stone path.

“He’s… not right in the head, is he?” Zero asked.

I sighed. “That’s still up for debate. You gonna be okay?”

Zero rolled his eyes. “I’ve only been without you for fourteen hundred years. I think I can handle a few weeks until you’re ready.”

I reached out and pressed my palm on his snout. His eyes fluttered closed, and he hummed a little under his breath. I thought it was probably involuntary, but I couldn’t help but smile at the sound. “You need me, you come find me, you hear? If someone comes for you, you run. There is no shame in running, Zero. I’d rather have you safe and at my side than have you fighting alone.”

He opened his eyes. “I can handle myself.”

“I know,” I said. “But you’re not alone anymore, okay?”

“You’re not going to convince me to come with right now by being mushy.”

“Wouldn’t even dream about it.” I dropped my hand. “See you, Zero.”

I started to walk away.

I’d only made it a few steps when he called my name.

I looked back over my shoulder.

“You need to tell them,” he said. “Everything. Because secrets have a way of coming out when you least expect it. They deserve to know. He deserves to know. Stone crumbles, Sam. It always crumbles. Remember that.”

And then he slithered toward the dome, wings tucked at his sides.

Godsdamn him for getting the last word. I never

got the last word.

That dick.

Kevin was waiting for me near the edge of the island. He eyed me carefully as I approached. I could see the others on the far side of the cavern, standing on a sand dune, waiting for us so we could head back to Mashallaha.

“Is he going to be okay?” Kevin asked.

“I think so.”

“He’s… not what I expected.”

“Is that good or bad?”

Kevin shrugged. “Neither, I think. It just… is. I always wondered what it would be like. Meeting another dragon. If I would feel any connection to them because of what we were. How few of us are left.”

“And did you feel a connection?”

He looked surprised. “Yeah. Just… protective, you know? He’s only a kid.”

“And yet he’s technically older than you.”

“It’s best not to focus on the logistics,” Kevin said wisely. “It’s easier to just roll with it.”